Chapter 9 - Never Forgotten

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Blood mentionings in this chapter.

Namaari's P.O.V

I parried another one of the stone people's attack. -"They are still stone! You can hit them but not too hard!" I yelled at the others. Tong was swinging his mighty axe, Benja was so fast with his sword I could barely see it. Boun had a sligshot that he used to fire some exploding ammo. Wait, do I smell hot souce? Noi and the Ongies cleverly used their surrounding to get around their enemies and kick them where it hurts. -"There are too many of them!" Tong yelled. -"We need to split up!" Benja replied. I saw Zaggar running towards the armory. -"The armory! We need to get to Zaggar!" I yelled blocking a kick. Then I punched the woman and she fell. Ow! Bad idea! I certainly don't recommend punching a stone. -"What about the Druun?" Boun asked.

I made a decision. -"Benja! Take Noi and Boun and go after Zaggar!" I told him slashing at a man before him. -"But the Druun-" -"I will make sure it's distracted. After all, I know best how to piss Raya off." I said. He looked at me with worry in his eyes. -"Don't hurt her." -"I would never." I gave him the Sisu necklace that is suppose to be the peace offering. -"Hurry! I don't know how long I can stall him." I said. -"Tong! With me!" I yelled and kicked off some woman that was on top of Boun. -"Noi! Boun!" Benja yelled to the others. -"What's the plan?" Tong asked. -"We're distracting the Druun. While they're going after Zaggar." I said as plainly as I could.

For the last time I nodded at Benja. Then both of our groups ran in different directions. Tong slammed his way through most of the enemies. While I used my combat training to swiftly avoid a person running at me. Then kicked them after they were behind me to stall the others. Another one ran from the right, I crouched down and used their momentum to throw them forward. The third I kicked in the head. Finally I could continue in my way. It wasn't long until we arrived at the square, all the people chasing us stopped at it's edge.

I took a minute to catch my breath. -"Why......did they stop?" I said leaning on my knees with my arms. -"I don't know." Tong said, full of stamina. Great, outrunned by an old warrior. -"I'll be kind and give you the time for a little breather, Namaari." I heard Raya's demonic voice infront of me.

I slowly rose up, with pure disgust in my face. -"Druun." I said. -"No, I think she would say something else. Let me just get into the role....." He started snapping his fingers to remember something. -"Oh yeah! That's right. Dep la." Hearing those words leave her mouth always bringed me joy. Now it just brings more anger in my veins. I did what I could to not let my emotions be known, I have to be ready to fight. -"Shut your mouth, demon! You do not get to speak for her!" Tong yelled. -"You're about I let her speak for herself then?" Drunn replied. He closed his eyes and a purple aura surrounded his body. -"Please! Leave me!" I heard Raya's voice, but her mouth wasn't opening, as if I heard her in my head. Tong also heard it, acording to the worry in his face. -"I don't want to hurt you!" She yelled.

-"Raya! Fight him! You gotta fight!" Tong yelled at her. But Druun cancelled the spell. -"Aw, that's cute. She's putting on a brave face for you.......You should've heard her screaming before. It was so......refreshing." He laughed. -"You son of a whore!" Tong screamed and charged at Druun with his axe. Druun pulled out Raya's sword and once Tong was right infront of him. Druun did a pirulete, swinging his sword around him just when Tong ran past. -"Aaaghr!" Tong fell down, with a scream of pain. He had an enormous slash wound across his back. His shirt was already soaked with blood, and it wasn't stopping. -"Tong!" I yelled as soon as I saw my friend get hit by the sword. -"Pff, I can't even call that a warm up." Druun said and rested the blodied blade on his shoulder.

-"You're gonna pay for this!" I yelled pulling out my daggers. -"Oh, I can't wait." He smirked. We ran at each other.

Benja's P.O.V

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