15: The Second Palace

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Keiji laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Why? Why did Shinichi Yoshizawa have a Palace?

Every time in the story he was seen, he was the complete opposite. He was incredibly nice. Of course, that could have been an act like Madarame.

But Keiji didn't think so.

Because of that one scene; him mourning over one of his daughter's dead body. If he really was twisted enough to have a Palace, then he wouldn't care that much for Kasumi.

What was different?

Mourning over his dead daughter's body.

That's what was different. Kasumi didn't die. Maybe her death snapped him out of his twisted state. But she didn't, not this time.

And so now, there was a new Palace to conquer.

Because of Keiji, a Palace still existed. Now, he was going to fix it. Did this mean he regretted stopping Sumire and saving Kasumi.

Absolutely not. But his decision has kept a Palace alive, and that was dangerous. Who knows what Shinichi may do in his twisted state.

Actually, who even knew what he was twisted about?!

Keiji sighed. He had no clues whatsoever to what Shinichi was twisted about. No location, and definitely not what he sees it as.

Keiji's phone dinged. Pulling out of his pocket, he opened the screen, seeing he had obtained a message. Checking it, he noticed it was from Sumire.

Sumire: Me and Kasumi were wondering if you could help us study for the upcoming Shujin entrance exams.

'Wow. How convenient.' Thought Keiji.

Keiji: Sure. When would you like me to come over?

Sumire: Does later today work?

Keiji checked the time. It was almost noon. He could eat lunch before heading over.

Keiji: I'll be there in two hours.

Sumire: Alright. Thanks!

Kindness: Rank Two

Sumire placed down her phone, tucking it back into her pocket. They currently sat at the table, working on the packets they were given to study.

"This is so tough." Kasumi grumbled.

"Senpai said he would come help us." Sumire replied.

"Sweet. Maybe he can help me make sense of this math." Kasumi said.

Sumire watched as her sister struggled with her studying. She got good grades, but it took her more studying than it took Sumire. It was kind of refreshing, knowing that Kasumi wasn't all-perfect.

But she hated herself for thinking that way.

Sighing, she looked back down at the paper in front of her. She looked at the equation, the gears in her mind turning. Before she even realized, her pencil was already on the paper, scribbling away as she worked out the problem.

Shinichi walked into the room, smiling at them. "How is the studying going?" He sweetly asked.

"Good." Sumire replied.

"Not so good." Groaned Kasumi.

"Senpai's coming over to help us study." Sumire stated.

Shinichi's smile seemed to become strained. "I see. Don't let him distract you, okay?"

"It will be okay. Senpai's really smart." Sumire stated.

Shinichi just nodded, still wearing that slightly strained smile as he left.

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