Spill the tea

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Harry was shifting side to side. He looked very uncomfortable. Hermione looked at him with concern, but he didn't see.

The game was complicated, questions were asked, here's a quick sum up:

Harry's Q: what's your sexuality
Harry's A: I... have to go *rushes outside hurriedly while Hermione runs after him.*

Ron's Q: do you have a boy/girlfriend ?
Ron's A: not yet...

Draco's Q: do you have a crush on someone ?
Draco's A: yes... maybe... I dunno...

Theo's Q: are you gay ?
Theo's A: no, I'm Pan tho.

Pansy's Q: are you part of the LGBTQ+ community ?
Pansy's A: Yassss (with much sass)

Blaise's Q: who do you like
Blaise's A: *inaudible sounds* (he refused to repeat)

Neville's Q: do you like blokes ?
Neville's A: still figuring that out

Hermione's Q: are you involved in a dating circle ?
Hermione's A: no, not that it's relevant.

It was... interesting...

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