"Yeah! Let's go (l/n)!" TetsuTetsu said, but was cut off when an arm snaking itself around the (h/c) haired girl's neck.

"Sorry but we have to go back to Shiketsu." Tsubaka growled, pulling the girl to his chest. "Right Hotaro?"

"Yeah our principal is waiting for us to report back." Hotaro responded as he stood next to Tsubaka.

"What are you talking about?" (Y/n) quirked an eyebrow as she looked up at her two classmates, "principal said after our internship is done with UA we just needed to write a report and send it to him." Giving them a weird look.

"So you CAN join us." Shinso said, slightly glaring at the two males who clicked their tongues.

"Come on Tsubaka, just for one day please?" (Y/n) asked, before turning her back on them, "besides you don't have a choice, I can do what I want." She hooked her arm around Shinso's arms and started to walk with Tetsutetsu, "I'll see you tomorrow bye." She waved her hand to them as she started to chat with the purple haired an silver haired students while Tsubaka and Hotaro just stood them dumb founded.

"Wow... I've never seen her this happy.." Hotaro muttered.

Tsubaka sighed, "yeah..... usually when she's with us she's so emotionless..." the two started to walk towards the exit. "Who is that Shinso guy anyways."

"He's (y/n)'s best friend." Hotaro's deep voice echoed in the halls, "they were inseparable in elementary school, and she was only ever happy around him." He furrowed his eyebrows.

Tsubaka clicked his tongue, "how troublesome."

"Troublesome indeed."

"I heard you took the provisional license exam." Tetsutetsu said as they started to walk down the streets towards the restaurant.

"Knowing you, you probably passed with flying colors." Shinso chuckled into his fist.

"Actually...." (y/n) mumbled looking off to the side.

"No way...." Tetsutetsu gasped.

"No..." Shinso's eyes grew wide. "You didn't...."

"Yeah I failed.." (y/n) closed her eyes and sighed in annoyance, "Some of the other participants fought during the exam, and instead of focusing on the exam I spent most of the time trying to break up their fight."

"Lemme guess was it Bakugo." Shinso rolled his eyes.

"Actually no." (Y/n) said, "it was Todoroki and one of my classmates. But my friend started it first, so I don't really blame Todoroki for it, but what do I know, it's probably a deeper rooted problem." She said shrugging her shoulder.

"So.. you just failed just like that" Tetsutetsu asked, looking at the girl with empathy.

"No fortunately they're doing retakes this year." (Y/n) said, "which is why I'm here in UA, my principal thought felt bad that I failed because of one of his students, so he offered an exchange program to be part of UA's hero internship. The two guys you saw before are also part of it."

"That's good, don't let that Todoroki make you fail this time." Shinso sternly said.

"Yeah (L/n) with your quirk you can do it." Tetsutetsu said giving her a thumbs up. They came to a stop infront of a restaurant, "we're here! Everyone else is inside." He said as he opened the door.

"Guys! Guess who I brought!" TetsuTetsu said, gesturing a hand to (y/n) and Shinso who were slowly making their way into the restaurant.

"(L/n)! Shinso!" Varies voices exclaimed welcoming them.

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