Not that anyone would hear me but, it wasn't the brightest idea to go into town by myself at night.

Still, I needed the escape even if it was only for a few hours.

A chilled wind blew past me brushing the skin on my cheeks as I pulled the hood further and the sides tighter around myself.

Trying to enclose any heat I had left within the cloak and me.

I began down the steps towards the city, moving as swiftly as possible as I passed by the guards stationed by the outer posts of the palace.

As I made it into what seemed to be the centre of the city I was in awe.

Each house beautifully decorated as string lights hung from roof to roof.

The shutters on few windows are painted in different colours. I was sucked into the cities magnificent aura.

The music and the dancing pulled you in as people laughed and sang all around.

It was hard to see the ground as almost everywhere you turned the cities people stood. Vendors and merchants had their carts and stores opened on either side of the road awaiting customers.

I weaved my way through the streets, finding the first bar that came into sight. Its old sign swung back and forth on the metal road it was bolted to.

'The Red Sparrow' it read.

As I walked in, I was greeted by many drunk and disordered men making fools of themselves or attracting women.

The bar was dimly lit by lanterns that had been placed evenly around the room.

Tables and booths lined the walls and scattered the rest of the room.

I pulled my cloaked tighter around myself as I found a seat on a barstool. I turned my body to look around the room. A line stood at the entrance of the restrooms as people danced nearby.

"What can I get for the pretty lady?" the bartender began as I turned sharply to face him.

I hadn't realized that while I was finding my way through the maze of people that my hood had fallen off.

I quickly pulled it back over my head as the bartender awaited my reply. "I'm good for now, thanks."

Before I could turn to get off the stool a man had already slithered his way onto the seat beside me. His dark hair was spread unevenly against the sweat of his brow, drink in hand. His cloak once in good condition now tattered and falling off.

"Oh come on, a drink for the lady." he began.

I subconsciously moved my hand from the bar to the dagger at my thigh, feeling its cold metal against my hand.

"I'm fine," I smiled coldly "thanks."

"At least stay a while, I'm sure a young lady like you is lonely on a night like this."

Without answering I got up to leave but his hand snaked around my wrist. Without hesitation, I pulled the dagger out from underneath my cloak and pointed it to the base of his neck.

"Let. Go." I said sharply.

He laughed scarcely, "A pretty face with a sharp tongue. Does your blade cut as deep as your words?"

I said nothing, my eyes remaining on his.

After a second of hesitation, he let my hand go from his grasp. He raised his hands, palms open in surrender as I slowly lowered the dagger.

I turned my back on him leading myself out of the bar.

"You would never stand a chance against me. Crawl back to your master you dirty wh-"

Indecisive (Loki Laufeyson x Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now