he was scared and frustrated. he didn't want minji to be mentally ill as he was, "um, is she at risk of any other disorders?" he asked, "not that we know of" she said, yoongi showed a small smile and stared at his little girl.

he loved minji. she was growing up fast, time went by so fast. he could still remember the first time he held her at home. she was wrapped in a yellow blanket with a pink beanie and pink gloves so she wouldn't scratch her face.

"i didn't react as bad as i thought i would" yoongi said as he told seokjin about the girl's adhd diagnosis, "does she know?" seokjin asked, "yeah but she doesn't seem to care"

seokjin chuckled, "i'm glad she was able to get an early diagnosis. it explains a lot of her actions" he spoke, yoongi nodded, "i thought she was just stubborn" he said, staring off into space to think.

"what did the therapist say?" minji asked as she walked into the apartment with yoongi, "you have adhd" yoongi said, taking off his and minji's shoes when they stepped in the house, "what does that mean?" she asked, "you have a really cool and amazing mind. i think it's like a race car. it goes really fast but it goes too fast, faster than a regular person and that's why you might have trouble concentrating and doing certain things"

minji hummed, "does that mean i'm good? appa has adhd too, right?" minji asked, yoongi nodded and smiled, "mhm, adhd will need to get under control so you'll do special therapy for it" yoongi explained, seokjin watched from the kitchen, a smile on his face.

"you always know what to say. it's like you were made to be a parent" seokjin said, yoongi smiled, taking the girl into his arms and giving her a kiss on the forehead, "ahh, thank you seokjin hyung" he chuckled, "minji, if you ever have thoughts of hurting yourself or others, i need you to tell me, okay?" yoongi said, minji shrugged and nodded, "okay, you can go play now"


heyy hyung


how's ur day??


it's been pretty good actually



it's been good



i have news?




so yk how ur on paid leave?




so um


what are u trying to say


yk how ur on paid leave and can be on it for a while?


yes now get to the point


the manager said she would fire you if you don't come back within two weeks because we're low on staff
(read at 6:36PM)

and just like that, the progress yoongi had made was gone. he was shaking and tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

he couldn't lose his job again, he really couldn't. he needed to provide for himself and minji but he mentally couldn't. he was constantly surrounded by people at work, he didn't know what he was going to do.

he was crying in the middle of his bedroom, door wide open which meant seokjin was there by the time he knew it, "yoongi, what's wrong?" seokjin asked, sitting by the bed.

"i-i might get fired if i don't attend work in 2 weeks" he frowned, tears flowing down his cheeks, "isn't that illegal?" seokjin asked, yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"if you do get fired, there's other jobs that are willing to hire you. just take your time, you know i'm here for you" seokjin said, caressing yoongi's hair.

minji walked in the room, "i'm hungry" she said, yoongi laughed through his tears, minji was so random when people were having conversations and he finally knew why, "minji-ah, it's not very nice to interrupt when two people are talking" seokjin softly said, minji furrowed her brows, "but i'm not doing anything mean! i'm hungry!" she frowned, raising her voice.

"appa will make you food in a minute" yoongi said, wiping his remaining tears and masking a smile on his face for the sake of his daughter.

"you take a rest, i'll take care of it" seokjin said, yoongi shook his head and sighed, "i'll make some ramen cup or something" yoongi said, standing up from the bed he was sitting on heading towards the kitchen.

seokjin was left in the room to think. he hated seeing his best friend at such a low point in his mental health. he felt tears brim in his eyes and he ran to the bathroom to cry them out.

all he really wanted was for yoongi to be happy.

stay safe and healthy! drink water and eat some food! sorry for any mistakes, i love you all! qotd: what do you think yoongi should do about his addiction? what would you tell him?

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