Nationals Part 2: The Group Dance

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Chloe POV:

After the solos, the duets went on. Nia and Kalani did extraordinary well, and they're going up against seniors so that's going to be tough. Jayden and Lilia danced their best, for it being their first competition. They're definitely going to place over the ALDC since, Jordyn and Brynn weren't in sync with their duet.

While the girls and I were heading to the dressing room, Kyle and Joshua greeted us in the hallway, hugging us and telling us how great we did.

"That dance was awesome. I told you you'd ace it." Kyle kept on telling me.

I smiled on and replied, "You did. You did."

I paused, and just looked at him smiling before me, until Kalani interruptingly said to Kyle and I, "Hey lovebirds, we have a group dance to prepare for?"

"What? No lunch?" he asked Kalani, before looking back at me.

"We're gonna have lunch in the dressing room. You know that." she replied, before walking off with the other girls. Kendall and Nia kept on looking at me, smiling and giggling.

"Are they laughing at me, or are the laughing at you?"

"At the both of us."


"Let's go. Jazzy and the moms are waiting.


Third Person POV:

While the girls were going through the group dance, someone knocked on the room door. Silence filled the room, with everyone looking around at one another, clueless.

"Who's that?" Jill asked the other moms.

"Let's take a lucky guess." Liz said, getting up and heading towards the door.

"Don't make it be Abby." Jazzy muttered, hoping for no drama before the group dance.

"Cathy." Christi blurted, taking a lucky guess.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm saying this but please be Cathy." Holly added on.

Liz slowly opened the door, peaking to see who it is. And in walked Cathy, with her grand entrance per usual.

"He-ya guys!" Cathy said, as she walked into the dressing room.

"Cathy!" everyone said in union.

"How are you all? Long time no see." she said greeting everyone. "Jazzy, Kyle, come give me a hug."

Jazzy and Kyle both went up to her and embraced her with a hug. "Oh my god Cathy, you look so good!" Jazzy complimented her.

"How are you Cathy?" Christi asked, also greeting her with a hug. "We haven't seen you for a whole competition season."

"Life has been good without Abby." Cathy started to explain to them, taking a cheer and having a seat. "I've won all my competitions since Abby came to L.A. And I heard in the news about the team leaving Abby about 'Abby trying to steal credit for your choreography'. Why is that?"

"Abby's an idiot. She thinks she should put her name on everything these girls do." Jazzy replied, poised with the though of having to remember Abby.

"Like when the girls were doing their music and music videos." Holly stated.

"Abby's just the 'Scene Stealer'." Kira added. "The spotlight has to be 100% on her."

"And if she doesn't get her way, she'll be like a big baby catapulting a tantrum." Christi joked, making almost everyone in the room laugh, even producers.

"Both of our teams are gonna make Abby lose hard. A loss she'll never forget." Cathy confidently told the KRTA team.

Jazzy agreed. "Let's go do it."


"Up next we have Act number 76, the Abby Lee Dance Company in the teen division, with 'The Atlantic'." the announcer said to the crowd, as the ALDC girls took their stances.


ALDC Group Dance

The Atlantic


"That dance..."



Kendall, Nia and JoJo was all left speechless by the ALDC group, but Chloe wasn't buying in to it.

As Maddie exited off stage, she went directly over to Chloe. "As I said earlier, good luck, you'll need it." she whispered into her ear.

Both girls looked back at each other, as if they were sickened by the other's sight. Everyone knew Maddie was the only one that rile up the bad side of Chloe, and vice versa.

"Hey, everyone come here." Chloe called out to her teammates. "I believe in all of us. We can do this. We've been practicing this dance for weeks, and we know this routine inside out. Don't make a pretty lyrical throw you off."

"Sheesh Chlo, where was this version of you last year?" Kalani asked, shocked to hear Chloe speaking like this, as was everyone else.

"Let's just say, someone woke up the beast in me." Chloe replied. "Now, let's go out there, and show them who the real winners are."

"Okay judges, up next is Act number 77, the Kyle Ross Talent Academy in the Teen Division, with Just Getting Started."


KRTA Group Dance

Just Getting Started

Original Dance: The Lab "Amazing" NBC World Of Dance 2018


Jazzy POV:

I sat in the audience with Liz, Josh, Kyle, Christi, and the other moms, watching as the girls started their dance. It didn't take long for some bickering to start.

"Oh my god, Hip-hop Jazzy?! Hip-hop cannot win a National Title!" Abby exaggerated, rudely interrupting while the KRTA girls danced. "Especially against my lyrical with Maddie as lead. And who's your lead, wobble legs Chloe?"

Who does Abby think she is to interrupt is from watching the dance? If I did that to her, she'd be on my case to kick me out the competition.

"Keep my daughter's name out of your filthy mouth." Christi hissed, with I held her back.

"Christi, let's finish watching the dance." I whispered to her, calmly. "We'll deal with her later."



After the dance was finished, the moms and I stood up in the crowd, cheering on our girls. Abby and her mothers were still to salty to at least clap the dance.

Her ego is really getting to her now. I hope we pull this off.


A/N: Next chapter is awards.

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