S1: Episode 22

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Today was the day, the day that decided Hinata's faith, will he suffer or finally be freed from the pain of his tortures.

Hinata slowly woke up, still a bit grained from the day before, but once he realized what today was, there was began a pit of dread that settled itself at the bottom of his stomach.

'If this goes wrong then they'll get me again' he thought as he brung his knees to his chest and hugged them placing his head on top of them.

'If they get me again they'll punish me triple time for being disobedient. Maybe I should have never spoken up. Maybe I should have never broken up with Tobio. If I didn't they all wouldn't have to go through this must trouble. And now that he's here oh kami. He's gonna kill me. I shouldn't have done anything. They'll hurt me I don't want to be hurt again. Why? Why? Why?' Hinata thought fearfully and what he didn't know is he was rocking himself back and forward. Shaking a bit as tears fell down his face.

He also failed to hear the serval knock on his door or the sound of it open. He then felt a sudden touch on his shoulder causing him to slightly yelp as he jumped and snapped his head up only to be met with the worried eyes of Sugawara.

"Suga-san" Hinata said confused and relived at the same time, "What's wrong sweets" Suga asked as he cautiously sat next to Hinata not trying to startle the shaken up boy.

"What if the plan fails and they get me? What happens then? Will I die by their hands?" Hinata asked tears streaming down his face.

Suga eyes held concern and worry, he brung Hinata into a hug rubbing his hair softly, "It's alright, we won't let them take you, no matter what." Suga said as he let Hinata cry out all his worries.

When he was done Suga helped wiped away his tears, "Let's go and eat breakfast alright" Suga said with a soft smile, Hinata nodded as they got up and left the room.

9am the plan starts at 4:30pm five minutes before the solar eclipse. Before everything gets dark and the cloudy sky only will make it seem like night time. This is there only chance.

They only have one shot, a simple slip up will mess up the whole operation, 'Let's pray this goes smoothly' Suga thought as they entered the elevator.

Once they made it to the lobby they made their way to the lunch area. When they entered they felt the tension it seems like the weight of the situation weighed on everyone.

They were all serious, 'Today' Viktor thought, 'Today we'll' Daichi thought 'END SHO/HINATA/SHOYOU/CHIBI-CHAN/HINATA SHOYOU FROM THE CONCRETE SUFFERING' they all thought but two people.

'We'll get you Shoyou, and when we do you'll have hell to pay for being a disobedient little bitch' Kageyama and ??? Thought at the same time tho Kageyama was in his room.

Hinata sat with Nekoma while Suga went to Karasuno table, "Sho are you ok" Kenma asked looking at him worried, Hinata took a breath in a d out before looking at Kenma giving the best smile he could "As ok as I can be" Hinata said.

"Hinata" Yaku said causing Hinata to look at him, "We promise you, we won't let them hurt you again" Yaku said and Hinata can see the seriousness in his eyes.

"Yeah you damn right, I'll beat the to a pulp before I let them get to you" Kuroo said flexing his muscles, "Yeah, we're all here to protect you" Lev said happily, "You can count on us" Nobuyuki said with a soft smile.

Hinata looked at all of them and gave a soft small smile, and nodded "Thank you all" he said softly causing them to nod. With that they all got to earring Hinata and Suga grabbing their food going back to their perspective tables.

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