Part 9

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"Woah um ok uh-" you cleared your throat, "hello, Deceptacon, don't hurt anyone unless instructed to."
"As you wish, master" she nodded. The blonde man, apparently named Prosciutto, had put his stand away during all that and walked closer to Deceptacon.
"Oi, cool stand. I'll train you if you want."
You nodded a little 'thank you' and looked back to Melone.
"It's been such a long day. Any extra rooms?" You asked, and he led you to an extra room and you flopped on the bed. It was nice looking. 'I guess this is what mafia money can buy' you thought to yourself. You slept throughout the night pretty well, better than the streets you'd sleep on.

Deceptacons POV:

My master, (y/n), seems to be asleep. A few firm pokes proved that. I'm not supposed to be awake and active now. I was ordered to do as (y/n) says, yet I have an awful feeling about tonight. Around 2 am, Formaggio walked into the room, seeming a little upset. He begrudgingly lifted (y/n)'s tongue and started pouring liquid poison into the bottom of their mouth. He left and I quickly went to work removing the poison before it could be ingested. Afterwards, I went back in (y/n). Too much energy spent.

———————-TIME SKIP———————

Your POV

I yawned, stretching and sitting up in my bed. My back felt so good from a night in an actual bed. My mouth felt a little dry but overall it was all good. I headed downstairs and smelled some breakfast being cooked.
"Oooo do I smell eggs?" I shouted as I reached the bottom of the staircase. Hearing my voice made Formaggio choke on and almost spit out his coffee and Risotto glare at him angrily. No one else seemed to get what they were alarmed about so they just exchanged a look and went back to what they were doing. Though, at that moment, Formaggio knew, he fucked up.

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