Chapter 9

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"Scum ball. Scum bucket." Jenna whispers under her breath but loud enough for me and Elena to hear who is walking up behind her. "Who are you talking to?" I ask confused. "Him" Jenna points her head towards the 'News Guy'. "The news guy?" Elena questions.

"Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Jenna looks at us like she is about to jump the tv. 

"Oh, no way. You and him? He's cute." I say shrugging as Elena sits down with a box of things Mom was to lend Mrs.Lockwood for the founder's party. " He is not cute. There's nothing cute about him. What are you doing with that?" Jenna questions.

"Me and Elena went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display." I say watching Elena polish them. " Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna takes the ring out that Grandpa gave grandma but it was passed on. "Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring." Elena responds.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?" Jeremy ask taking an old compass watch-looking thing. "You're not gonna find out." Elena rolls her eyes and I pull it out of Jeremy's hand to put it back in the box.

 "That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away." Jers walks towards the fridge and the doorbell rings. Elena gets the door and I hear Stefan say "hey" and then I see them walk upstairs. Ewwww!!


I was watching Pretty Little Liars when the doorbell rang. So me and Jeremy walk towards the door and Jeremy opens it to see Tyler and tries to close the door but Tyler holds it open.

 "I'm here for my mom. I was supposed to pick up a box of stuff and to talk to Caity." I see Elena running down with the box of displays. "Right here. Please be careful." Elena hands him the stuff. You can see Tyler and Jeremy glaring at each other when Elena speaks up. "Look, Tyler, maybe you should go. Tell your mom that I'll see her tonight." she says walking away.

"Hey, can I talk to you outside?" Tyler points his head out. "She's not going anywhere with you, dick" Jeremy grabs my wrist. aww protective much? "Jeremy chill I'll be fine." I sigh. Me and Tyler walk outside as I close the door behind me.

"So...?" I question crossing my arms. " I know I messed up big time but I truly am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He says looking down at the ground. "Ty look I am not mad, we just weren't meant to be, I am not hurt, I just thought wow and that's it, we can you now still be friends." I say sighing. "Great! I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my date to the founder's party as friends...?"

"I would love to, see you later Tyler." I say as he kisses my cheeks. I don't like like him but he's a friend and we are family friends. I can't hate him when I didn't like him either. I walk inside into the kitchen where Bonnie and Elena is sitting down.

" Look at you both, getting all pretty for your dates. You guys seem happy-ish." Bonnie winks at me, I am assuming she heard the conversation, I already told them about my feelings about him and what was going on between us. "Well, I am not "happy-ish" because I am just not." I roll my eyes.

"I am...ish. Tonight's going to be a good night. But don't let that stop you from telling me whatever it is you wanted to tell me as soon as you walked in the door." Elena sits down at the table next to Bonnie. 

"What if I tell you in the morning? I don't want to ruin the night." Bonnie answers pulling out some nail polish for Elena, She already did mine, white like my dress.

"Bonnie, out with it," I say glaring at her. "Okay, but it has to go in the vault because Caroline will kill me if it gets back to Damon that she squealed. Apparently, Stefan has a very interesting back story." Bonnie responds. "uh-huh" me and elena answer at the same time. 

"Do you know what happened with his ex-girlfriend Katherine?" Bonnie tilts her head.

"I know that they both dated her and that's why they have issues." Elena says looking behind bonnie then to her. "Yeah, they both dated her, only she chose Damon. And that drove Stefan mad, so he did horrible things to try and break them up. He manipulated Katherine. He filled her head with all these lies until finally, it worked, and she turned against Damon." Bonnie shrugs.

"That sounds like one person's side of the story, meaning Damon's." Elena snaps back. "I just wanted you to know." Bonnie shrugs again. 

"No, Damon is a dick, it's probably the other way around." I say looking down at my phone." Anyway, his past relationships are none of my business." Elena says taking more nail polish out of her bag. "Unless he's a calculating, manipulative liar. That is your business." Bonnie shrugs looking at her Nail Polish. "Stefan is none of those things." Elena snaps back.

"Yeah? How do you know?" Bonnie ask and then Elena realizes she knows nothing about him.


"The pocket watch. Where is it?" Elena says crossing her hands. "What watch?" Jeremy says taking his headphones off.

 "The one you stole from mom's box. Look, Mrs. Lockwood just called me, freaking out. It was on the list, Jeremy. And she can't find it, and she thinks she's the one who lost it." She says.

"Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it." he shrugs. He def took it, he seemed interested in it earlier. "Don't even play that card. Jeremy, you took it. If I go online, am I going to find it on eBay? Is that how you pay for your pot?" I say coming inside his room. 

" Screw you" Jeremy gets up and gets the pocket watch from behind his books in his bookshelf. "I would never sell this, ok?" He sits back down at his chair. "Then why did you take it?" Elena questions. Probably because it's "his". "Because it's supposed to be mine. Dad said it goes to the firstborn son. His father gave it to him, and now what?"

Me and Elena sigh looking at each and then back at him. "And he was going to give it to you." Elena says it under her breath. "Yeah." He responds. "Look, Jer, it's still yours, okay? Mom promised Mrs. Lockwood. What do you want me to do?" I say shrugging. "Just take it and get out." he pushes us out of the room and closes it on out face. "Screw you idiot!" I kick his door HARD.


The founder's party is next, I hope you enjoy! Please vote!

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