The Walk Back

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It's Yan~Chan again and I AM HERE with the infamous line in this fic, I'm writing this in during study hall. I kid you not i was having such a hard time even starting this chapter. I knew what i wanted to write but i didn't know how to write it. But here it is. Finished. So enjoy this hell of a chapter

Third POV:

They left Inarizaki's dorm to pick up Itachiyama and once they got the group together they all started walking to Karasuno's dorm. There was small talk going on between they two teams and you could just tell Atsumu and Osamu were still mad at each other. Nobody really knows why but they'd all forgot about what they said.

Suna POV(I'm not good at third person okay T^T)

I walked in silence while watching my phone occasionally making small talk with Osamu or someone else. I thought it funny how Atsumu and Sakusa were walking in the back. Usually 'Tsumu would like to be in the front but I'm guessing because she was friends with Sakusa from a past camp she decided to stay behind and talk with him instead.

I snapped a picture for reasearch purposes and when i showed it to Osamu you could see the anger in his eyes. Over protective brother I guess.

I wasn't really questioning why this happened. Everything happens for a reason and you always find out at some point so why look for it when it's going to come at the same time no matter what? I will admit I am kinda insecure about the change. It was weird. I had longer hair and it did fell good but the worst part was about my chest.

I didn't that much of a larger chest as 'Tsumu or 'Kawa. They got much bigger chests than I did. But i was still weird cause the extra weight made my posture even worse and it resulted in me needing to latch on to Osamu for support.

And other than that i feel i don't really look good as a girl. 'Tsumu and 'Kawa look so much better. 'Tsumu got a little er shorter but just like an inch, but she has beautiful thick blonde hair(still in the piss blonde color though), she's got a large chest and her but started to pop out bit more. Meanwhile 'Kawa hadn't changed in height, she got a slightly smaller chest than Atsumu did, but her ass really popped out now. She also had long brown hair that was but nicely into a ponytail. I got very insecure about this and i was now mad at the fact I couldn't call Oikawa 'Flattykawa anymore.

But seeing there new features compared to mine made me feel bad about my change. I started to slouch out of not wanting to be seen with my new features. But sadly someone always had to notice.

I expected to hear Osamu talking to me but instead I heard Atsumu and Oikawa.

"Hey is everything okay?" I recognized this as Atsumu's new voice and I looked up and responded with "yeah everything's fine"

I wanted to start walking again cause we were now running a bit behind of the group before 'Tsumu stopped me again and said

"Suna we've been friends long enough to know when each other is lying now tell us what's up" she said sternly but softly

There was a moment of silence then 'Kawa gasped, hugged me and said
"You don't like how look now don't you?"

I slowly nodded my head and was wrapped in another pair of arms which i could only assume belonged to Atsumu.

Another second of silence and Atsumu started again with "It doesn't matter what you look like or how big or small your new features are you are beautiful and just so you know my brother was blushing at you the entire fucking time"

That last part made me a blushing mess and i just said to them "we should probably catch up with the group now" and with that we all came running back to the group. Oikawa went back up front with the captains, Atsumu returned to Sakusa to continue their conversation, and I returned to my spot walking next Osamu but now slouching as much as before this time. I took a look at Osamu and Atsumu wasn't lying. I looked at him for a split second but that was all I needed to see a small blush on his cheeks.

We continued to walk and talk until we reached Karasuno's dorm to talk about this hell of a situation.

779 words

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