Normally I would say something to stop this from happening, from Harry getting embarrassed but I'm just as curious as she is. I'm actually a little hurt that he hasn't said anything to me about it. I always confide in him about things, granted they're not all boy related but still. If he really has feelings for a girl why wouldn't he tell me?

"Are you ready to go? I'm getting a little bored." He states, not even noticing Katherine standing beside me. 

I knudge him and glance to Katherine. "I mean, I told your Mum I'd have you home before midnight so we need to go..." He trails off, hoping Katherine didn't notice his rude comment. I may not like the girl but I don't want to give her a reason to hate us.

"Thanks for inviting us Katherine, it was um... great." I say, trying to make up for Harry's earlier comment.

She doesn't bother asking Harry about the myserious girl he has feelings for but I intend to ask him myself on the walk home. "Were you really bored?" I ask him when we're further away from Katherine. He didn't look like he was bored, in fact he looked like he was having a great time.

"Yeah I was, plus you weren't exactly having the time of your life either." He smirks.

"I would've stayed longer if you wanted to." I'm glad we're out of there to be honest. I was getting really bored but I feel bad incase Harry's just leaving because of me.

"I know you would've but I was bored and Andy was annoying me so don't worry about it."

The mention of Andy reminds me about the question I've been so curious to ask for about the last ten minutes. "Katherine was talking to me about something, someone actually. She said that you told Andrew you like a girl. Like really like a girl. Why haven't you told me?"


For the first time ever, I see Harry startled as if I've triggered a bomb off inside him. "A girl you've got feelings for. Why didn't you tell me? You know I would've helped you out with stuff. I'm just a little annoyed that you didn't mention anything to me yet you told Andrew." 

"You're really clueless about this aren't you?" 

"What do you mean?" I ask, becoming seriously intrigued now. Do I know the girl?

"I...It's you Jess."

What? I try to take in what Harry has just said but it doesn't seem to comprehend. "What?"

He takes a deep breath and our pace suddenly slows, allowing us to concentrate more on our conversation rather than making it home in time. "I've liked you for a while Jess. How could you not see that? You're the only person who fully understands me and how I'm feeling without me saying anything. You just... get me. I've really thought this through, and I know our friendship is strong but I honestly think that if we started a real relationship we could be even stronger."

I don't know what to say. I've always thought of Harry as a brother. Hell, he's grown up with me! He is very attractive and he is right about the whole understanding each other thing, but having him as more than a friend never crossed my mind. Well, that's a lie I suppose. I have thought about it, but I've always supressed the thoughts, claiming that it would never work out or that Harry would never like me like that.

"Say something Jess..." He says, interupting my thoughts.

"I don't know what to say Harry, I'm a little surprised."

"Of course you are but just hear me out before you make any rash decisions. I know we're only young but I've known you for most of my life. Do you remember the school formal last year when that guy Richard asked you to go with him?" I nod in response. Richard is lovely but I made sure he knew we were only going as friends, not as a couple. "Well I was jealous, so jealous. I realised then that my feelings towards you were more than just friends. Ever since then my feelings have just increased, I just.." He stops, clearly frustrated with himself. I've seen this side of Harry before. He often struggles to get his feelings out as words and I always feel so helpless.

My Boyfriend - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now