You smiled, standing up immediately. "Congratulations! Well done. Are you immediately going to start with the next training?"

"I already started it." He replied. "I'm on my break."

You were surprised by hearing that. "You're going fast. How's it going?"

Hiyori came up from behind and sighed. "He's hopeless! It's goin' horribly!"

Ichigo grunted. "(Y/n), how long can you keep that mask on?"

"Like 25 and a half.."

"Minutes?" Ichigo asked.

Hiyori hit him on the back of his neck and corrected him. "No idiot, she can keep it on for 25 and a half hours."

"Hours?!" Ichigo yelled surprised. "That's insane!"

You frowned. "How long are you able to keep it on?"

Ichigo looked to the side, probably hiding out of embarrassment. "A few seconds."

"More like a few milliseconds!" Hiyori yelled in his ear. "C'mon dumbass! Break's over!" She took Ichigo by his ear and dragged him back.

You smiled, happy to see him doing well in the group. Love, Rōjūrō and Kensei were playing cards. Lisa was looking at weird magazines again, Mashiro was soundly asleep next to Kensei and Shinji was standing next you.

Hachi was just sitting somewhere, focusing on the special Barriers that he placed outside the hideout. "Can someone get me some water?"

You looked at Hachi and smiled, getting him an empty glass and putting it down. "I'm giving you Enkai's water. It's fresh and delicious."

Hachi nodded happily as you took your Zanpakuto out. "Wake up, Enkai!"

Immediately your Zanpakuto changed into a black scythe. "Alright, that's something new. They actually responded. Thanks, Enkai."

You swung the scythe around a little and created water in the glass. "There you go."

Hachi took the glass and sipped from the water. "It's good." He replied, drinking more. "Thank you, (Y/n), Enkai."

You smiled, stroking your Zanpakuto. "I'm happy you like it. I hope Enkai is happy to see me training in Kidō."

Enkai is the strongest water-based Zanpakuto. It might even get on par with Ryuji Jakka, the strongest fire-based Zanpakuto, currently handled by the Captain-Commander Yamamoto.

As fast as Enkai appeared in Shikai state, they went back to normal. You chuckled, sitting down next to Shinji. "So what do you think of him?"

"Hmm... He has the potential." Shinji replied, paying close attention to Ichigo and Hiyori's training. "But it's takin' some time."

You nodded, leaning backwards and putting your hands down behind you. "I agree. One day he's going to be more capable than any of us."

"Someone is through the Barrier!" Hachi suddenly yelled.

You stood up, smiling. "Don't worry! It's Inoe Orihime! She cannot hurt any of us! She's probably here for Ichigo!" You yelled to everyone to calm them down.

A few seconds later, Inoe appeared on the top of the stairs. You shunpo'd to her and smiled. "Welcome, Inoe-san. Ichigo is right over there, follow me."

"Urahara-san?" She questioned. You didn't say anything, instead you just lead her to Ichigo and sat down with them. "Urahara-san..." Inoe started.

You looked at her and shrugged. "I don't care that I'm not supposed to hear this. I can go to Kisuke any time I want and ask it myself. No need to go through all that trouble."

Inoe sighed in defeat and began explaining Aizen's ulterior motive. You were pretty unfazed, you and the other Visored had seen it coming.

Ichigo seemed pretty calm as well. "Don't worry, Inoe. I promise to stop Aizen because I've found the strength to become stronger."

You stood up along with Inoe. "Well, nice reunion but Ichigo needs to go back to his training. I'll lead your out, Inoe-san."

Inoe nodded and followed you out of the hideout. Outside, you found Yoruichi. "Yoruichi~!" You yelled, jumping onto her and hugging her.

"(Y/n)?!" She said, surprised but hugged back nonetheless. "How have you been?"

You pulled back and smiled. "Very good actually! I've been busy training in Kidō because Enkai is too lazy to do anything themselves."

Yoruichi chuckled. "As expected. I heard from Kisuke that you've finally joined them."

You nodded, pointing at the hidout. "This is it. I often go to visit Kisuke though but we're busy too... I mean... I am and no one else wants to go visit Kisuke."

Yoruichi nodded, understanding what you were saying and smiled. "I'll tell Kisuke that you've been doing well. Anything else?"

"Hmm... We should go drink something together! It's been a while since we've seen each other."

Inoe was stunned the entire time. She didn't know what to say or how to react so eventually she sputtered out something very obvious. "You two know each other?!"

You bursted out in laughter, as did Yoruichi. "Of course! Inoe-san, I'm not a human. I was once a Shinigami. Did you forget?"

Inoe shook her head. "N-No but... I just didn't expect it."

Yoruichi chuckled as she finally stopped her snickering. "I bet, it you give (Y/n) a name from Soul Society, she knows who they are or she has at least heard of their name."

You nodded. "Yep. That is very likely."

Yoruichi eventually turned to Inoe. "I came here to talk, we have to go. (Y/n), let's go drinking sometime!"

You smiled, "See you later!" waving them off. Eventually you went back inside and plopped down next to Shinji.

"Ya'rd back. Who'd you encounter?" He asked when you plopped down next to him.

You had a smile on your, happy to have finally seen Yoruichi again. "It was Yoruichi."

"Ah, that woman." Shinji said with a sigh. "I don't really like her."

"You have that with everyone in Seireitei." You commented.


You and Shinji then decided to go train together. Shinji'd block your attacks with katana only and you'd only use Kidō spells.

According to Hachi it was a great way for the both of you to train and get more accustomed to your fighting techniques. Since Shinji needs to fight with a sword and you wanted to learn Kidō, it was perfect.

Both you and him went really at it that you didn't even notice when Inoe visited again and when she left. Neither did (Y/n) notice that Rukia was outside waiting for Inoe.

Both you and him continued to train until you could both collapse anytime. Which you did.

You collapsed first, immediately followed by Shinji who was exhausted. You felt like the Kidō had drained your reiatsu or something. Disclaimer, Kidō doesn't drain reiatsu.

Before long, your eye sight turned black and your senses didn't work anymore. You passed out.

Word count: 1648

Unchangeable Heart (Bleach reader insert)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя