
The sound of loud drunken people, and the smell of barbecued food consumed me as soon as Nessa, Mila and I stepped out of our uber.

Saddle Ranch.

The infamous restaurant on Sunset Blvd. Highly populated with everyone and anyone with a social media account, some ordinary people who are probably fans and others who are just there for the big cotton candy and the bull.

I hated scenes like this, but the food was good and I wasn't going to bitch about it anymore to Mila or Nessa.

Speaking of Nessa, she's been shitting bricks since we stepped into the car because of her fear of seeing Josh there. I told her she doesn't need to be tied to anyone for the time being, just focusing on herself but she never listens.

She was just going to learn the hard way.

But anyways, it wasn't long before they let us in to the restaurant . It was pretty evident that anyone with a social media platform had more of a status here than any normal person just trying to go out to eat on a date or with their family.

The way they ushered you in like you were royalty, had the manager come and talk to you just to make sure you were being treated well, it was a whole routine. Now don't get me wrong I love Jeff, the manager, but he could be a bit extra at times.

"My favorite girls! Cleo? You're back in town, I've missed seeing your face in my restaurant." Jeff gushes, making his way to the table.

I couldn't help but to put on a fake smile.

Yeah keep trying to butter me up, I know you only want my money.

"Missed you too Jeff. Not sure about your nosy ass restaurant though." I joked, but I was being deadass.

"Oh you know how you young adults get when you come to L.A... All rowdy and stuff, but I'll make sure to turn up the music for you. Kat's gonna be right over to assist you lovely ladies tonight though, I'll catch up with y'all later." He says gesturing to Nessa, Mila and I.

"He's annoying." I mumble when he's out of site.

"He's just being nice and showing face to everyone. He has to if he wants this business to stay afloat." Mila says, reading through the menu.

Nessa was looking around all over the place making me stressed. "Nessa, he's probably here but who cares. If it makes you feel better if I see him, I'll let him know that you wanna talk and y'all can do it in private somewhere." I proposed.

"You'd really do that for me?" She questions.

"You're my best friend. Why wouldn't I do that for you?"

"Because she knows my ass wouldn't. I say fuck men, and go about your life girls." Mila chants.

Me and Nessa laughed at her before we continued to look in the menu. I got a burger and some fries while Mila and Nessa both got steaks. Our food came shortly after and we all ate, conversed for a few before we got done.

I wanted a desert so I ordered a chocolate cake and shared it with Nessa.

At this point we'd been at Saddle for about an hour, when the restaurant started to get a bit more rowdier. A group was coming in and I already had a feeling that I knew who it was.

And boy was I right, because in walked Bryce, Josh, Griffin and Kio.

Looking over at Nessa, I could see her face turning red. She hadn't talked to him in a while but it was evident that they both cared about eachother by the way he was looking at her from across the restaurant when they finally sat down.

Mila tried to get her mind off of him but Nessa want budging so I got up and did what any best friend would do.

I went and talked to him.

Getting up from my seat, Nessa asked where I was going but I dismissed her and told her I'd be back. I walked over to their table and they all stood up, hugging me. When I went to the hospital a few months back, Nessa told Josh about me being in the hospital and they all sent me flowers to the hospital.

It was a sweet gesture and I appreciated it.

"Hey, Josh can I speak to you?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be back." He tells them before coming with me to a more secluded place.

"So what's up?"

"I don't know what happened with you and Nessa, but y'all have to talk to each other. You're looking at her from across the room with puppy dog eyes, and it's killing me honestly. Just talk, see where you're at with each other and then go from there." I tell him.

" I don't even know where to start. It's just too much, like this whole social media shit only makes it worst too. I love her, I really do but I wish it wasn't always so documented online." He says.

"I get that, I really do but there's a way to make this work. Talk to her about it though. Like today talk to her. Please and thank you?"

"Fine... I'll do it. But how are you doing? Have you been okay?" He questions, rubbing my back.

"Yeah I've been better. Just working on my podcast... speaking of that would you and Bryce maybe wanna come on? I'm doing a segment where I have influencers come on and I was wondering if y'all would be interested?" I ask him.

"Yeah we'd be okay with that."

I nod my head, before finishing up our convo and leaving back to my table.

"So what happened ?" Nessa questions once I sit back down. "He's coming to talk to you. This is giving me such middle school vibes. I used to be the middle man all the time." I laugh.

Soon, Josh came up to the table and asked Nessa to speak and they walked off somewhere for a while. Mila questioned me about what was said but I told her nothing special and we just dropped that conversation.

After a while, Nessa came back with the biggest smile on her face, obviously meaning the conversation went well.

I guess I just know how to work my magic...

hello beauties🤎
hope you liked this chapter :) sorry i haven't updated in a few days, i've been committing to college and doing all of that jazz !!

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much love <3 thank you all for over 500 reads💖


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