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Waking up with a throbbing headache, donghyuck squinted his eyes due to the harsh sun standing proudly above him, he sat up to let hit body wake up, and stood up, but stopped as the world started spinning and he fell like fainting again. Balancing himself by holding on to a tree stomp to his right, he breathed in, and out, finally standing straight up.

"The hell..." he cursed, after running from a scary man in the middle of the night and hitting his head really hard, he's face-to-face with a sylix, who could possibly be the same sylix he encountered last night. Just starring at him. Yep. Definitely not creepy.

"Where are we?" Donghyuck questioned, not expecting any answers at all. "I'm hungry",the prince voiced out, but the sylix just left donghyuck without a care in the world.

"Wow, no remorse at all" the young prince scoffed, dusting the dirt and leaves off of his pants, before walking to no specific direction in particular. "I have to find that stream of water" he said to himself, creating a plan in his head, on how to get back home and how he'll come up with an excuse.

After what felt like hours of searching, he was officially lost.

"Great, just great. You just had to try to find Daegal yourself, and be the hero, couldn't you let the guests a do it? As if you'll have a better chance at finding him"

He scolded himself, sitting on a big rock with too much moss, pouting and huffing out air, donghyuck was starting to deflate like a balloon, becoming the saggy piece of plastic every balloon becomes, saggy and wrinkly. Just like granny...sorry.

A rusting sound was heard from the bushes to his right and this time, donghyuck was ready to run, but just to make sure he wouldn't potentially run away from the sole reason he's lost, he stayed till the thing would jump out.

"Oh it's you" the same sylix was now in front of donghyuck, the same pitch black eyes starring at him as if he was something really fascinating to look at. "Hmm?" The prince was confused when the sylix placed down a bunch of berries next to donghyuck's foot and left as quickly as it had appeared.

"Maybe you weren't too bad after all" he said, tilting his head and popped a berry inside his mouth, savoring the odd flavor, when suddenly a voice, who most definitely wasn't the voice inside his head, said.

"I wouldn't eat that if I were you"

A black haired boy came out of the shadows, nearly giving donghyuck a heart attack. The boy had high defined cheekbones, pale dirty skin. Round brown eyes and has an arrogant smile on his face.

"And why is that brainy boy?"

"Well first of all my name isn't brainy boy, and those you're eating are rougettes."

"I'm listening"

"Rougettes, sugary, soft in texture, a berry from the rougelletent family, grows on trees at the south, a great source nutrients for animals...and is venomous to humans"

Spitting out the berries the second he heard the word 'venomous', running towards the small stream, he rinsed his tongue with the water while cursing at that sylix.

"That little shit, just wait till I get my hands on you" he cursed, still rinsing off the poison in his tongue.

"Eh that won't work, you'll need to amputate that tongue or the venom will travel through your esophagus down to your digestive system and shut everything down." Brainy boy said scratching the back of his head.

"WHAT?!" Donghyuck shouted, eyes doubling in size.

"No I'm joking, haha, but you do need some medicine, rougettes aren't deadly at all, but it's likely that you would get a horrible fever after eating them."

"And where am I going to find that medicine?" Donghyuck asked with a hint of the panic that was building up inside of him.

" I don't know, not my problem" brainy boy said before leaving the scene without a second glance.

"Hey! Come back! Ugh" donghyuck shouted after the black haired boy, while running after him, but failing miserably as he's really out of shape. "W-wait for m-me..!" Having to sit down and catch his breath, the only thing he could do now was to pathetically curse at the other boy.

His heartbeat was speeding up and he's having a difficult time catching his breath, which seems to be leaving his lungs too fast.

His breath finally calmed down and his heartbeat was beating at a normal rhythm. He stood up with a foot in front of the other and hands placed around his hips, pouting and complaining about how his royal ass shouldn't be running around the forest chasing boys.

Finally taking a look at his surroundings, he noticed certain details he didn't notice before. The grass was greener than you would've ever imagined, there were white bunnies and red squirrels jumping around, birds are singing loudly almost masking the sound of the wind breeze. The flowers seems to be glowing like stars in the night sky, and the water is reflecting the sunlight, blinding anyone who looked its way...WATER! How could he not have noticed?!

Following along the stream, donghyuck was starting to see hope at the end of the tunnel.

The stream curves from side to side, goes over some low hills and passes various of animals donghyuck has never seen before.

But while the prince was busy looking at the foreign animals and plants, he didn't notice how close he was to the deep water. And before he could get away, he slipped and fell in.

The water was cold In contrast to donghyuck's warm body, and it was a strong stream of water. The struggling prince was having a hard time keeping his head above water, the freezing water was starting to swallow donghyuck up, and he was loosing breath and vision.

Is this really how this will end? he thought. 

Rush. Rush. Rush.

The water was loud against his ears

Rush. Rush. Rush.

He could feel his body hair dancing along the strong water.

Rush. Rush. Rush

He felt a hand harshly grab his arm, before he got pulled out of the water and onto the green grass again.

"Hey! Are you okay?!"

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Nights in the Woods- markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now