Chapter 3: Ichigo meets the Visored

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Ichigo sighed, knowing his question came over quite stupid. "Urahara-san once said your actual name wasn't Urahara."

You nodded. "Correct. Do you wish to know my actual name?"

Ichigo shrugged. "You don't need to tell me everything right away. Talk when you're ready, I'll listen."

You smiled. Those words were more comforting than you thought they would be. Moreover, they came out of Ichigo's mouth. "I'll tell you. Have you met a Captain Kyōraku Shunsui when you were in Soul Society?"

"You mean the weird old man with the straw hat and the pink kimono?"

You nodded with a chuckle. Now you knew that Shunsui hadn't changed a bit. "That's my brother. Kyōraku is one of the lower noble families in Soul Society. I changed my name to protect the Kyōraku name."

Ichigo didn't know what to say. It was all quite a lot to take in. He didn't expect you to have such a reason at all. For all he knew, the Visored hated the Shinigami.

"Ichigo, don't think too much about it. It's my problem, don't worry about it. How have you been?"

Ichigo looked at you, confused at your sudden question. "G-Good... I think."

You shrugged. "It's fair to say that you're feeling uneasy. I would too if my inner Hollow was just lurking around. I'd say that me and that Hollow are friends now."

Ichigo frowned. "Friends? With a Hollow?"

You nodded, smiling. "Yeah. It took a while but we talked a lot... We both came to the same conclusion that the Zanpakuto Spirit is a lazy piece of shit. I still love them though."

"Woah." Ichigo was surprised to hear that. He never even considered listening to his Hollow before. "What will you guys do with me?"

"Ask Shinji. It's not my place to tell you. Of course, you'll have to let your Hollow take over, otherwise we can't do anything." You explained.

Ichigo didn't say anything for a while. The silence wasn't awkward, it was rather comforting. You and him walked a great while in this state, just silence.

"Isn't that his reiatsu?" Ichigo questioned when you and him started nearing the hideout.

You were surprised to hear that he just now noticed it. "You're kidding right? You really just noticed?"

"Y-Yeah..." Ichigo said. "I've heard that my sensing abilities are bad, no need to point it out."

"Oi! Shinji!" You yelled, knowing all too well that he was standing right there. "We're here!"

Shinji sighed, coming out from behind the corner. "(Y/n)! Ya really don't have to yell! We can sense ya reiatsu!" He yelled back.

You and Ichigo walked inside the hideout. As you joined up with the other Visored, Shinji and Ichigo stayed up in front.

You sat down next to Hachi. Ichigo began talking about using you all. Shinji wasn't taking it. Ichigo left his body and attacked Shinji.

"They're not trying, are they?" You asked Hachi, you weren't really amused by what was happening. "I had hoped this would be more fun."

Hachi sighed as well. "It seems this Ichigo is afraid of letting his Hollow out."

Then Hiyori ran up to the two and kicked Shinji down. You shunpo'd down and caught Shinji before he hit the ground. "You okay?"

Shinji nodded. "Thanks."

You carried him back to where you came from with the shunpo and put him down. "That was quite the kick. Hiyori is as impatient as ever."

Unchangeable Heart (Bleach reader insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang