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An image to uphold standard,

Society has guidelines,
Unwritten rules if you will,
Ones that are not followed by anyones free will,

As they match you with unrealistic expectations,
And false connections,

Constant conditioning of calorie counters,
Relentless efforts to lose weight,
What for?
I guarantee you dont enjoy it,



All followed blindly,

It forces the brain to see imperfection,
Where there is none,
As the brain takes up all recreation,

Mirrors are even more deceitful,
You are a thousand times more beautiful then what you see,
It's a glamour,

People can see you're beauty,
Let them stare,

You're body has curves,
It maybe flat,
I'm going to push the boat out an say there are purplish lines,

The truth is your body is unique,
Flaws are evident,
But embrace what you have,

Many people admire you,
You're body is not a thing to change,
Let it take centre stage,

Keep you're head held high,
Be confident,
Be comfortable,

You are perfect even with flaws.

Words Not Meant For The Mundane ✔Where stories live. Discover now