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Writers block,
It shouldn't be such a shock,

I'm currently watching the clock,
Days tick to nights,
Mid morning flights,
My words hold no rights,

We are told,
Carry on keep moving,
Dont stop for anything,

But we are enrolled,
In a world full of demands,
We have our hands tied,
Bind to the laws of life,

And still people will hold strife,

Now I come back to my first sentence,
That clock will never stop,
Tick Tock,

As stubborn as a rock,
Is that of writers block,

I wish for it to cease,

For my creativity to come flooding back,
So that my words can attack,
Every fiber of your being,
So that you remember,

The colours made from adjectives,
Verbs made from notations,
Oxymorons filled with light and dark,

For my writers block will make this imagine starck.

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