Chapter Four

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Adrian’s POV

"Adrian!" I swear she must love calling my name. Me and Geronimo make are way back over to Marisa and Bruno’s villa. I knock on the door since I don’t have a key. Once the door is opened all I see is my sister with a pissed off look on her face. "Where have you been?" she yells as i push her aside to get in. I unclip Geronimo and he runs outside. Traitor! I turn around to face my sister. Folding my arms across my chest.

"I figured since he’s here I might as well give you two some privacy. So I stopped off at the front desk and got an extra villa for the night. Don’t have a cow it’s right next door." I turn my head and notice Bru is leaning against the door way to the bathroom. "Don’t worry I didn’t use YOUR money. Unlike some people I actually have a job." I say turning my head back to my sister. It’s a low blow, but come on it’s no surprise that ever since she started dating Bruno that she hasn’t been working.

"Working as a bartender and at a clothing store, doesn’t pay for a place like this." she says raising her voice and eyeing me suspiciously.

I shake my head,” If you ever bothered to ask me what exactly that ‘clothing store’ job actually is you would know I’m the marketing director for that part of the chain. When I’m not in school or at my other job, I’m on the phone talking with people from the community and people from headquarters. I’ve been trying to convince my bosses to bring in local unknown clothing designers to test out their lines in our stores.”

She looks at me dumb founded. I grab my suitcase from the wall and turn towards the door, “I’ll call you when I’m done showering to come over.” I say slamming the door. Thank god I got my own room I swear I was about to kill her. I’m tired of her treating me like everything I do is not good enough. That the way me and mom live isn’t good enough for her, I think to myself as I open the door to my villa.Throwing my suitcase on the bed I head towards bathroom. Maybe a bath will clear my head.

Bruno’s POV

Did all that really just happen now? I swear I did not sign up for this. I walk outside onto the balcony leaving Marisa in the room. I can’t face her right now. Digging into my pockets I pull out my cigarettes and lighter. Marisa hates when I smoke, but at this point I could give a fuck about what she thinks. I told her not to this again. She makes a big deal out of everything. I put the cigarette to my lips and take a long drag. The nicotine fills my lungs as I start to feel my body relax. Here I was about to kick this habit. oh well. I sit down in one of the chairs and take another hit as I see Geronimo come over and lay down at me feet. He looks up at me. “I know buddy.” he whines. “What?” he turns his head towards the next villa. I can only assume its Adrian’s. I shake my head and chuckle to myself. Even my dog is telling me she’s right. “Should I go apologize?” He barks. “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” I say getting up and putting my cig out. I walk over to Adrian’s villa.

I notice the gate leading to her balcony is open so I use that way. I walk onto the balcony and notice Adrian is in a robe sitting on the bed. I’m about to open the door when I hear her speak.

“Hi baby.”

I get a confused look on my face and peer through the window. I realize she’s on the phone.

“No, I’m good. How are things going back home?”

I see a smile form across her face and for some reason I can’t explain my stomach starts to get into knots and my palms get sweaty. I know I shouldn’t be listening, but I wanna know who this guy is. I step closer to get a better view.

“What happened? Hold on slow down. Don’t raise your voice at me.”

She moves from the bed and starts pacing back and forth.

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