Chapter Two

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Bruno’s POV

Man that was along flight, but it was worth it since I get to finally get some alone time with my favorite girl.I wonder where she is? Woof woof. Man I couldn’t forget about you, Geronimo,I leave you with my stepmom enough already we both needed a vacation. Putting my suitcase on the bed I notice that there are two suitcases up against the wall. Damn does Marisa really need that much clothes we’re only here a week. Shaking my head, Geronimo runs out onto the balcony as I grab a white shirt and a pair of black short from my suitcase. Shower time. Walking into the bathroom all I see a big tub but no shower. Guess this will do. Fill it up about half way and climb in. As soon as the water hits my muscles I start to relax. I swear I work too much. I reach for the soap as I hear Geronimo come back in along with some foot steps. “Hey babe hurry up there’s enough room for two and it’s warm.”

“Oh I know it is but I don’t think you wanna share with me” says a voice who is definitely not Marisa.

“Jesus Adrian” I scramble for a towel but realize I left it on the counter.

“No need to cover up it’s not like I haven’t seen all of you remember. How you two act at my house when my moms not home.” A blush forms across my cheeks, remembering the few times she caught us, as I see Adrian look down at her phone. She’s right but I’m not going to admit. Then her phone goes off.

Adrian’s POV

I look down at my phone as I see a request for FaceTime from Eric. I smile and press accept. Bruno notices and asks who it is as I wait for the connection. I don’t answer as Eric takes up my screen. “What’s up stranger long time no see.”

“Adrian take it outside” says bruno from the tub. I throw up a hand as I lean against the door way.

”Not much packing me,Liam and my wife are going to be spending time with her family at a lake cabin for the week.” I frown as he says that. He notices, ” ahh come on sis. Don’t give me that look. What’s with the SOS anyways? Where are you?” Before I can respond Geronimo barks. Eric looks at me confused. ” wait was that Geronimo? Why is he with you.” All I can do is laugh.

“Well if you really wanna know I just caught your bro soaking in the tub and I’m in Greece for the week with the two of them and my sister.” I flip the camera so he gets a shot at bruno in the tub and all Eric does is ball over laughing.

“Woah should I let you go then seems like you’re busy.” He gives me a wink. I roll my eyes. Bru finally seems have hit his limit as he gets out the tub and grabs a towel. While also throwing another at me. I duck out of the way, ” you missed." I hiss.

“I’ll aim better next time” he says wrapping the towel around his waist and pushing me out of the doorway.

I turn my attention to Geronimo for a sec patting him on the head as I lead us out onto the balcony. “Does your bro always act like a diva.” I say taking a seat. Geronimo lays down by my feet and looks out at the ocean.

“No just when he taking a shower” Eric turns away from the camera as someone enters the room.

Eric’s POV 

I smile as Liam comes in again. “I knew you were talking to her.” he says excitedly taking my phone away.

“Liam you’re suppose to ask daddy before you take my phone,” I say in a slight serious tone. He gives me a frown and is about to hand it back.

“Oh it’s fine lil panda. We were not talking about anything important. Right Eric,” says Adrian while giving me a serious look. I can’t win with either of these two so I just drop it. I turn back to pack as Liam jumps on the bed and talks with Adrian.

“So Adri where are you?” He asks.

“I’ll show you lil buddy. Look”

“wow! Wait are you going with us to the cabin?” He says excitedly. I frown to myself as I over hear the conversation, Liam and Adrian were attached at the hip whenever she came around. Which isn’t often anymore since she lives in New York now.

“Sorry lil panda but I’m on vacation with Marisa and Uncle Bruno.”

“Eww her?”I hear Adrian laugh.

”Liam that’s rude you know Uncle Bruno likes her.” I say giving him a stern look.

“But she doesn’t like me, why doesn’t Uncle Bruno date you Adri” he says innocently. I let out a cough and I see Adrian start to blush on the screen.

After a long awkward moment I break the silence “She loves you Liam.” He shakes his head at my response,”then why doesn’t she play with me, whenever she comes?” I’m about to explain when Adrian, who seems to have calm down from shock answers.

“It’s because you go straight for me lil panda and never ask her if she wants to join.” Liam thinks for a moment then nods his head in agreement.

“Oh Liam, Eric lunch.” I hear my wife yell from downstairs.

“I’ll be down in a bit, but I’ll send Liam.” I shout back.

“Gotta go Adri.” He says waving at the screen on my phone and hands it back to me.

“See you in a bit lil buddy.” I give him a hug and he runs downstairs.

Adrian’s POV 
I let out a sigh as Liam gives Eric back the phone. “Boy did I just escape a long line of questioning.” I say giving a nervous smile, but Eric doesn’t buy it and neither does Geronimo it seems, who puts his head on top of my shoes and stares at me. As I put on my new panda/hooligan headphones (which I love) so bruno doesn’t hear Eric’s responses. “What” I give an innocent look to him.

He just shakes his head and leans back on his bed,”When are you going to tell everyone you have a boyfriend?”

“As soon as your family stops wondering when bru’s gonna finally dump my sister.”

“We don’t think that”

I cock my eyebrow, unconvinced “you sure ever since I met your family last summer I’ve been getting that feeling especially since how you acted to Liam’s question.”

He sits up and gives me a serious look before finally answering, “here’s my view yes, I would like for you to be dating him, but I also see you as my younger sister and wouldn’t want you go get hurt by him.”

“Aren’t you forgetting someone”

“Yes. I remember Michael. How are things with you two?” I smile like a school girl. Eric’s smiles back. ” That good I’m guessing”

“I haven’t felt this happy in along time big bro.”

“I know listen, I’m going to go eat. Sry I can’t help you out with the whole awkward situation over there.” He says gives me a frown.

“Aww it’s ok. Really I wouldn’t want to intrude on your family weekend. Also taken care of.”


“Phil’s on his way”

“I thought he was spending time with family?”

“Not till next week”

“oh ok, well take care of yourself and FaceTime if you ever need to talk. I’m always here for you kid.” He says giving me the biggest smile.

“Alright now go eat.” I end the call taking off my headphones I place them on my lap and run my fingers through my hair. When I hear someone clear their thoart. Turning around is see Bru in the doorway with a angry look on his face. I’m in for it now.

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