Mr. Compress: They should have all died!

Mic: You are not a villain anymore!

Mr. Compress: What I am just stating a fact!

Nezu: How come?

Mr. Compress: If they are taken out by one of them that easily than the don't deserve to be heroes at all!

Nezu: Hmm I might need to add some more lesson. Maybe even get Izu to teach them one or two techniques.

Spinner: I would love to see that!

Mic: Just No!

Nezu: What concerns do you have?

Mic: He would put them through a lot more hellish training than Sho normally does!

Nezu: Yes so?

Mr. Compress: Well, what's the point of hero training when they don't do at least that much.

Mic: We are talking about Izuku right? He would not put them in hell, he would most like bring hell to them. You do realize that!

Nezu: MHM. Still don't see your point.

Mic: *Sigh* You know what never mind. I am just the normal one in here.

Nezu: You sure you are normal and not the other way around?

Mic: What do you mean?

Nezu: Perhaps we are normal and you are the insane here.

Mr. Compress: Sounds more realistic to me.

Mic: Now I am just confused!

--- Time skip brought to you by Dark Shadow mocking a scarecrow---

Mic: I didn't know Tokoyami could do that!

Dabi: That's because he can't!

Mic: Explain!

Shoto: Dark Shadow is in control over his body when it gets dark.

Mic: And...

Toga: Oh he loves Zuku, even calls him Master!

Mic: He does what?!

Nezu: Very fitting.

Toga: Does someone else get Wizard of Oz vibes from watching this?

Mic: Yeah. Well Compress, we better announce the outcome of this battle.

Mr. Compress: Okay.

--- Time skip brought to you by a hero team up---

Nezu: Oh, looks like the heroes finally found their villain lair. Although not exactly the position but they are getting close.

Toga: I wonder how they got the idea for searching there...

Mic: Well, took them long enough!

Toga: Still how?

Nezu: It probably was All Might that came up with the idea.

Mic: He knows the city and its blueprint.

Mr. Compress: Does that mean he knows where the villain lair is exactly?

Nezu: He should since he saw the layer of the labyrinth but I don't believe that stupid monkey did memorize anything.

--- Time skip brought to you by Cessabit enjoying his teleportation spree---

Recovery Girl: Nezu!!!

Nezu: Yes, how may I help you?

Recovery Girl: You knew that that god damn rabbit had a quirk, didn't you?

Nezu: I had my assumptions, yes. Why are you asking?

Recovery Girl: Because that freaking rabbit just teleported in my office with Iida and didn't even let me tend his wounds.

Nezu: Oh I see.

Recovery Girl: Do you wanna explain where the heck you get that rabbit from? Last time I checked the pet shop didn't hat animals with quirks!

Nezu: I believe you should ask Dabi and Kurogiri about that. They bought it.

Recovery Girl: So, what do you guys have to say about it?

Dabi: We got it from a normal pet shop.

Recovery Girl: Where is that pet shop located?

Kurogiri: Black Market.

Recovery Girl: ....

Mic: Goodness gracious! Are you guys insane?! Wait why am I asking... This shouldn't surprise me anymore.

Nezu: That explains a lot. I was also wondering where you picked Cessabit up.

Dabi: I know the shop owner. All their pets are tamed and don't have any diseases, so what's the big deal?

Recovery Girl: That that animal can teleport! A quirk that is even rare in humans!

Dabi: Izu deserves the best!

Recovery Girl: *Sigh* And here I thought Izuku will be the death of me.... You guys obviously are!

--- Time skip brought to you by all Izuku getting back to the villain lair and discovering something very interesting---

Toga: Shiggy good to see you again.

Shiggy: Don't talk to me Mini boss! You failed the titan!

Mic: Mini boss?

Shiggy: You got a problem NPC?

Toga: Well, he didn't call me NPC so I am happy!

Shoto: Is it wrong that I want to see Izuku taking them all down?

Mic: Yes.

Nezu: No, of course not!

Recovery Girl: NEZU! Please if you must encourage one student than let it be Izuku do not encourage any more of them.

Nezu: I took that as an approval to let Izuku destroy everyone.

Mic: Oh god no! Recovery Girl what have you done?!

Nezu went to the comm system and turned it on.

Nezu: Hello dear participants! I can see that the villain team got an extreme head start and still are out there. Seeing as some of you did already find the place of their layout or the surrounding and me feeling generous today, I will give you a hint. Class 1A you might know the place better than anyone. The villains are all hiding in the underground city! Good luck finding their lair!

With that he ended his speech.

Mr. Compress: You just signed their all-death paper!

Spinner: You send them straight to the gates of hell!

Dabi: FUFUFU This will be fun!

Shiggy: Oh my dear little bunny will have some more toys to play with!

Toga: Ah I can't wait to see his masterpiece!

Mic: You lunatic!

Recovery Girl: You sure you are not related to the Satan in hell?

Nezu: An interesting theory you have there!

Usagi, the killer rabbit is back!(Part 2 of Let the Hunt begin)(No Ship)Where stories live. Discover now