I fucking love you.

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I don't really know how to make it sound realistic but somehow, literally somehow you go back in 1984, when Another Country was being filmed ( He was around 24 at that time) and you go to meet Colin.

You reach the place where Another country is being filmed with a backpack containing a Polaroid camera, a walkman and a pair of clothes. (Walkman, coz it was 1984 and read on, you'll know why we need a walkman:)))

You are ecstatic about meeting the love of your life in person and you just can't control yourself. You suddenly see two young men at a distance talking to a man who seems like the director of the film. One of them is your love, Colin fucking Firth and the other one, his co-star Rupert Everett. Your heart just skipped a beat after you saw Colin, his golden brown hair, his lovely brown eyes, his heartwarming smile ( actually it was more like a playful smile back then) all of it made you wanna scream in excitement. You saw Colin and Rupert walking away and you ran towards them shouting, " Colin! Colin Firth! Stop! I fucking love you!!!" You instantly regretted the last part of what you said considering that Colin was not used to so many straightforward love confessions back then. Both Colin and Rupert stopped and turned around and you could see that Colin was trying not to blush and Rupert was nudging him with a smirk.

-I'm sorry, I'm quite overexcited at the moment and I apologize for what I just blurted out of my mouth. Would you mind taking a picture with me ?

You noticed Rupert stepping back when you asked for a picture and thanked God for it but you didn't want him to feel bad and so called him too.

-You too, Rupert

They called another guy to click the picture and you handed him your Polaroid. While posing for the picture, Rupert had his hand on your shoulder and Colin had his hand on your lower back. You were so happy that Colin had touched you that you held his waist so tight that it earned you a chuckle from him and a jealous look from Rupert. The guy took the picture out and handed the picture and the camera to you.

You hesitated a bit but managed to ask for a picture with only you and Colin.

This time he held you even tighter and you went all red. After all you have been dying for even a single touch from him.

Colin's P.O.V

As soon as I laid my eyes upon her, I felt something I had never felt before. I wasn't sure what it was but it was a remarkable feeling. I just realized that a beautiful girl was standing next to me and told me that she loves me!!!! I could not deny that she took my breath away. Come on Colin, don't be an arse, talk to her, just try to make a small conversation. Don't let this sweet angel go away. 

Your P.O.V

You thanked Colin and Rupert for the picture and shook hands with Rupert and hugged Colin. He was kind of startled at first but reciprocated by wrapping his arms around you gently. 

Colin's P.O.V 

She hugged me!!!! I've never met such an enthusiastic and beautiful fan before. I couldn't help but smell her sweet scent during our embrace. Oh Lord ! I think I'm falling for this sweet creature. Now don't stand like a daft arse, gather up some courage and atleast ask her name.

Your P.O.V

You parted from the long embrace and turned around to go when you heard Colin say shyly, " Hey, at least tell me your name"

- I'm (Y/N)

- (Y/N), Thank you for making me feel so special, I've never had a girl or a guy for that matter come up to me and show so much love.

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