"You're a freaking -"

Lee said, over the blaring music, "Don't swear."

"I didn't even swear," I pouted.

"But you were going to," Lee replied with a smirk.

"Your fucking music has swear words in it," Drew said.

Anthony nodded. "Yeah, so why can't we?"

Wesley added, "And, you swear too. Fucking hypocrite."

Lee, continuing to drive as we pull into school, murmured, "I don't want what happened to her to happen to you. I fucking made her die because of drug overdose. It was all because she wanted to be like me."

Not even Wes said a word which was surprising. We waited for Lee's next action and when he opened his door, we opened ours too.

We got out of the car as Lee muttered, running his fingers through his dark brown hair, "Look, I shouldn't keep telling you guys what to do. I am responsible for you all though and I just don't want you to follow what I do. Even though I try to fucking stop but I can't. I can never stop even though it has been a year. A year since she died and I am still thinking about her."

"Lee, it wasn't your fault. She chose to do it and you couldn't stop her," I said, remembering when I was in seventh grade. At the time, I had not known what truly happened. I never actually knew the affect it had on my eldest brother. But, as I looked at him closer, I noticed how his shoulders droop down a little and how his eyes cast downwards.

He scoffed. "I could have stopped her. I could have never been what everyone wanted be to be, and still does. I could have never talked to her. I could have done a lot more but I didn't. I let it unfold in front of my eyes, unaware and oblivious of what was happening to her."

Anthony said, "She could have stopped herself."

Lee laughed. "You can't fucking stop. No one can ever fucking stop. Do you even realize how fucking dangerous the drug she took was?"

Again, no one said anything.

"See? You don't fucking know shit," Lee said, slamming the school doors in our faces.

"Well, he's obviously pissed at us," Drew said, opening the door.

Wes told and smacked the back of his head, "No shit, moron."

"Don't you love Mondays?" I asked frowning.

"Of course." Drew answered returning my frown.

"What the fuck are we going to do?" Wesley asked, still smoking his cigarette even though we were in school.

"Wes, throw your cigarette away. You're going to get in trouble," I told.

He rolled his eyes, blowing a puff of smoke in my face. "Who fucking gives a shit?"

I coughed and reached for his cigarette but since he was almost a foot taller than me I could not quite reach his cigarette when he stood on his tiptoes and raised his hand in the air.

"Wesley," I yelled.

He smirked. "So, the shortie can't reach this high?"

"I'm not short. You are just freakishly tall," I said.

Anthony sighed. "So, what are we going to do about Lee?"

Drew shrugged, "I don't know."

"You always fucking know," Wes said, tossing his lit cigarette in the trash.

"Why didn't you blow it out?" I asked.

Wes shrugged with a mischievous grin. "Guess I forgot, Shrimp."

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