dabi x shigiraks sister reader ~pain of the past~

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(U) prospective

The door to the base opens and the two new recruits walk in a short teen age high school girl with blond buns and a crazed smile and a tall black haired man with clear turquoise eye's and burnt purple patches of skin "what are your names?" My brother ask's impatiently "my names toga! I love mr.stain! I wanna stab mr.stainy!!!" The girl giggles jumping up and down "and you?" Shigaraki ask's the male "right now I'm going by Dabi" he says 'Dabi huh? Unusual name' I think as Shigaraki snaps at the man for not giving his actual name "ugh! Alright (u) the girl first" Shigaraki says and I nod getting up from the seat at the bar walking up to the blond "is it ok?" I ask before touching the girls shoulder and she happily nods I activate my quirk beofre I place my hand on her and al mer memories run threw my brain as I proses all the thoughts and memories I find nothing interesting "she's Ernest" I tell Shigaraki "alright your in" Shigaraki tells the peppy blond and she giggles skipping around the bar "alright your turn you mind?" I ask before I touch dabi's shoulder and he shrugs a quick "sure"

Dabi prospective

The girl's eye's almost instantly widen as she screams in agony ripping her hand away as she falls to her knees sobbing clutching at her heart my eye's widen in suprise as I take a step back and Shigaraki grabs her shoulders talking to the girl trying to bat her crying to stop "wh-why's she crying???" I ask feeling a bit guilty as everyone in the bar is silent watching the (hair color) haired girl sob on the floor "She looked back into your past" Shigaraki tells me and my jaw drops "Miss (u) would you like me to teleport you to your room?" Kugiri ask's "n-no I'm alright sorry" (u) chokes stumbling to her feet as Shigaraki holds her arm keeping her from falling and she looks me in the eye trying not to tear up "I'm sorry that man was awful to you" (u) apologizes feebly bowing trying to keep her balance 'she saw...'

(U) prospective

"So anything I should know?" My brother ask's me and I look at Dabi then back at him while ignoring the burning pain coercing threw out my entire body "nothing you need to know" I shake my head "now please I think... I should go" I say walking to the exit while stumbling over my own feet as my vision goes in and out 'dame how'd he endure this?...'

Small time skip
Dabi prospective

"Hay crusty" I call and (u)'s brother glares over at me "what?" He snaps "what's the extent of her quirk?" I ask "who?" Shigaraki questions "your sisters who els?" I say "Why should I tell you" Shigaraki snarls "because it's important dame it!" I hiss "God your annoying" Shigaraki growns completely ignoring me and pissing me off "I'm gonna kill you you fucking moron-" I shout jumping up from my seat "*sigh* ignore him (u) has an amazing quirk" Kugiri says and I turn my attention to him as he continues to explain "but the down side is that she will experience the same physical and emotional pain as the person she's reading the memories of" Kugiri explains polishing a glass and my eye's widen "she can also get lash backs...." Shigaraki mummers "were is she right now!?"

(u) prospective

As I sit on the roof I bite my tongue holding back tears trying not to scream out in pain as my body feels like it's on fire 'god this hurts so fucking bad' I think clutching my body as I shake uncontrollably suddenly I feel a hand placed on my shoulder and I let out a pained scream not even able to look up at the person before I burst into tears choking back sobs of agony "here" I hear Dabi's voice ring out as a cooling pad's placed on my back releaving a bit of the unbearable pain and I force my self to look beside me to see dabi's sat next to me "I-is this how painful it was?" I ask wiping away my tears and Dabi nods looking away from me "yeah... thanks for not telling your brother..." Dabi says and I reach my hand out

Dabi prospective

(u) places a hand on my shoulder offering me a weak smile "thanks for checking on me" (u) says "it's kinda my fault" I shrug "it's not your fault you were-... you know..." (u) trails off as she sits up "abused?" I question and (u) nods as tears well in her eyes' "hay c'mon no more crying" I laughing a bit trying to lighten the mood and (u) nods cracking a smile "Dabi if you'd like.... think of the league as your family I promise we're a lot better" (u) says with a pure smile "yeah... I'd like that"

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