[50] Embracing the Wolves

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Author's Note (02/2023): Howdy, the next book is We are the Wolves. Beware: It is an unfinished/ongoing book, as I'm writing it during my very limited time of my last year of preclinicals for medical school. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!


After surprisingly giving Colin his car to drive himself home, Ryder came with me to Cassandra's. There, I could apparently help him with his science homework that he was behind on (in fact, it was the only work he was behind on from his week's suspension because it was difficult to imagine experiments you weren't present for) and he could also ask Andrew to maybe help with Colin's malfunctioning truck. But when we arrived, we were both on edge due to the presence of not only Cassandra's car and Andrew's restored muscle car...but also an unknown black SUV parked where my car usually was.

It was off-putting and ominous to say the least.

Ryder hastily got out of the car and rounded to my side; by the time I was done getting my backpack, he was opening my door and grabbing my hand to assist me before shutting the door and walking in front of me protectively. I paused on the pathway to the door and it halted him too. We both inhaled a fresh scent of Natalie. Why was she here?! She was supposed to be with Oliver!

"I didn't know she was—"

"That's okay," he assured before I could even make out a knee-jerk apology for my mom being unexpectedly in town again. Even though Ryder's speed seemed like he was moving with urgency and/or anger, his face showed nothing near that. If anything, he looked more eager and less nervous than me for what awaited inside. "It's fine." I took his patience at face value and continued to unlock the door with all of my alarms firing—my instincts telling me to prepare for the absolute worst.

"Ash," I was addressed immediately at the entrance and taken into a hug...by Andrew. It took me a moment to register the foreign-feeling affection before I awkwardly patted his back a few times even though I doubt he could feel it, given how strongly he squeezed me. Before I felt that sadness from missing him—a reminder I first had at lunch with Meena of all people—he let go and immediately looked over to Ryder.

"Oh great, you're here too," Andrew greeted with an actual smile and not a bit of sarcasm to his tone. He nodded, noting the greeting was over, and then spun around to walk (and usher us?) to the living room area. I glanced back at Ryder with a bewildered expression at the assumption that maybe some alien had inhabited my brother's body for how weird he was acting. Ryder's frown suggested he was equally weirded out, but he only shrugged, put a hand on my back to nudge me forward and then continued to follow Andrew.


Apparently, Ryder and I were expected to sit and listen to Andrew, Natalie, and Cassandra's little presentation without interruption. By the ludicrousness in their messages, I was surprised not only in my refusal to interrupt but also in the fact that Ryder hadn't stormed out; I could feel anxiety and irritation rising in him almost as fast as I could see wheels turning in his head at every new "plan" and revelation they told us.

And now they looked at us waiting for my plethora of questions with glances towards Ryder for his presumable explosion of verbal abuse. I didn't think either of us knew what to say that wouldn't damage the reset button we had just given our relationship, our lives and our approach to the supernatural disaster-beacon named Tyriette. We shared a look and I received nothing from him telepathically—our connection was as silent as mine and Andrew's.

"So let me get this straight," I finally began. My eyes shifted to each responsible party as I spoke. "You're moving back." It was said as more of a question edging on the line of dread rather than a statement with any excitement. Natalie nodded. "Meaning, you're not only abandoning Oliver but—"

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