"I'm not going to the training camp" you responded bluntly.

"Wait what? Why? Is it because of Suna?" She questioned.

You simply nodded in reply without saying a word and avoiding eye contact.

"You should still go just ignore him if it makes you feel better. Also if you don't go you won't be able to see everyone else" she crouched down so you were eye level and put her hand on your shoulder as support.

"I guess" you paused for a moment "but still, it would just be best not to go".

She stood up abruptly "(Y/N) (L/N), YOU WILL BE COMING TO THE TRAINING CAMP" her sudden yelling caught everyone's attention in the gym and they all stoped to look at the both of you. "Don't mind us just having a friendly conversation" she waved them all off and turned back to you.

"I'll think about it" you grumbled. Yukie jumped in the air in victory "I said think about it not that I'm going".

"Yeah but that usually means yes" she raised both her arms in celebration while you just sighed and buried your face in your arms.

2 weeks later, right before the training camp

Everyone was stood outside the school with their bags for the training camp that was going to last 4 days, and of corse Yukie, Kaori and Bokuto band together to force you to come.

So here you were

With you bag and a bunch of crazy volleyball boys at 4am about to get on a bus to go to Inarizaki.

You left early in the morning so you wouldn't get there too late, but still you were exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

But knowing everyone (by everyone you mean Bokuto) you wouldn't be able to sleep through the crackheads antics.

So to compromise you put in your earphones and settled in the back of the bus watching (favourite anime). Luckily for you the time seemed to fly by but that most likely was because of the anime you were watching. A few times you had to yell or throw something at Bokuto to get him to shut up, it wasn't intentional he just talks loud.

Once you had arrived at your destination you got out the bus and raised your arms above your head stretching and yawning. Sitting there doing nothing is surprisingly exhausting. You looked up at the big building before you and followed everyone inside.

The school was the same as most other high schools but had this different feel to it than Fukurodani, or maybe it's just the dread that you were feeling from not wanting to be there.

Who knows really.

You were staying in an old storage room that had been cleaned and prepared for the training camp, there were rooms similar to the one your were staying in for the other schools. Once you had settled in everyone changed to gym clothes and headed down to the courts.

I promise y'all aren't staying in some tiny, dusty, musty old place. It big and clean and yeah.

Unluckily for you, Fukurodani was the first school to show up.

Meaning it would be tough to hide in a crowd or something like that.

I wanna go home

*Inner Tamaki Amajiki activated*

You sighed as you entered the gymnasium. Everyone said hi and thank you and all that polite stuff while you just actively avoided Suna with everything you had in you.

Kaori had filled you in on everything that happened at the party and now you were kind of embarrassed, it was your plan to do that shit but still. You had hoped Suna didn't tell anyone what happened because if he did it would be the end of you.

It was a dumb idea now that you think about it.

"Hey (y/n)" you jumped a little as Atsumu loudly said your name while waving, smiling and walking straight towards you.

You turned to look at him forcing a smile while silently cursing him. "Heeey" you waved back.

"How've you been?" He asked.

"I uh- good, yep.. yeah really gooooood" you stumbled all over your words.

When you get into a difficult situation you suddenly lose the ability to speak or function properly.


This is going so very well.

You continued to talk with Atsumu and a few other people joined in on the conversation.

Though when Karasuno showed up it felt like you had been saved from the very depths of hell. Them being the loud overexcited team they are, they provide a decent amount of cover.

When you saw Suna look your way you quickly hid behind Bokuto, luckily he's tall so he serves as a good place to hide behind.

"(Y/n)? He questioned while trying to look at you behind him. "What are you doing?".

"Don't move" you stated bluntly "I'm hiding"


Dis shit is really bad

I just don't have any ideas 💀

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