Chapter 15

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Sorry I've not updated recently

My art teacher decided it would be fun to give me 1 months worth of assignments in 1 week

So I've had no sleep

But sleep if for the weak🙄🤚

Updated will probably be pretty slow for a while and I apologise for that

A few days later

The continuous buzzing and beeping sound of you alarm rang in your ears as you pulled your pillow over your face and groaned.

"Uuuhhhh, fuck school I'm staying home today"

After a few seconds of blindly searching your desk you were able to locate your phone and shut off that hellish sound that woke you from your sleep every morning.

Just after you had shut your eyes and began to fall asleep again there was a *ping* that came from your phone. "Why the fuck is someone texting me right now" you groaned. Upon looking at your screen and seeing Suna's name next to a text that read 'morning, hope you had a good nights sleep Xx'.

You glared at your screen and said "Eww".
Suna hadn't texted you or anything since you saw that video of him a miss. whore that's what we're calling her cos I'm too lazy to give her a name.

After a moment or two of laying in bed contemplating life a thought came to your mind, Suna probably isn't aware you know about what happened at the party. You smirked and decided you would get revenge.

Who doesn't love revenge

And it's the best idea I had for this story so deal with it


Sounds like a plan

But what is the plan exactly?

You could call him out.


To boring

Perhaps you could start dating someone else.


Right at that moment you received a text from Yukie.

Yukie 😘
There's a party Saturday night
You in?

A smile spread across your lips


Fuck yeah I'm in

But right now it's Thursday so revenge will have to wait a few days, for now you can just go slutty outfit shopping!

After a while of looking online you stumped across the perfect outfit. A black, cropped, skintight shirt with an open back, and a lace low cut front.

You wouldn't usually wear something like that, that's why you needed to buy something not to mention your parents would murder you if they found that in your closet but like what's life without a few risks? Am I right?

You already had a skirt you could use, it was one with a stretchy fabric that you wore years ago so it'll be a little too short, in this case it's a good thing.


Revenge planned

All from the comfort of your bed

This chapter is so shit

I'm sorry

Also it's short


I'm sorry

I've never been any good a writing but like oh well

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