We go inside, and see a basement, with no light. It's all very rotten and there's old furniture all over the place.

Suddenly JJ starts singing, to the tune of "incy wincy spider". "Down came Mrs. Crain and cut off all our heads. Up came the sun and dried up all the blood."

"Can you stop?" Pope interrupts the boy.

"No kidding JJ, I'll kill you if you keep this up." I make clear.

"If Mrs. Crain hasn't done it by then." He mutters as I give him a serious look. "Right." He mumbles.

"See any water?" Kiara asks us.

"Woah, fuck." I fall a bit into the floor, because when I was scared by a doll, a piece of wood broke in the floor. JJ quickly rushes over and catches me just in time. "Holy shit!" I gasp for air.

"You're welcome, milady." He says, giving me a wink.

"There's no water here." Notes Pope.

"Not a dropamino." Adds JJ.

"Know why we didn't find it? Bad karma." Says Kiara.

"Oh God, here we go." John b groans, knowing what's coming next.

"You know we had a good thing going. And then you decided to rope Barbie in, and now the trail has dried up. Coincidence? Probably not." Kiara shrugs.

"This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you about Sarah." John b steps closer to her.


"Yeah. What the hell's the deal with you two?"

"Nothing." Kiara shrugs again.

"Nothing? Is it because I kissed you? Is that the problem?" John says b as Kiara slaps him right in the face.

"Oh!" Pope looks at JJ and me in shock.

"Oh, shit!" JJ looks around. "That echoed, dude!"

"Stop treating me like I'm some girl who's obsessed with you, instead of your best friend who's actually trying to look out for you."

"Did you, uh... hit me?" John b questions.

"Skeeter." Kiara holds up her hand to show that she has a dead mosquito on her hand.


"Yeah, you see it?"

"Yeah." Says John b as he slaps Kiara back.

"Oh, hey. All right, no." Says JJ.

"Where's your proof?" Asks Kiara. John b holds up his hand.


"You know, I would love to play this game with you, JJ." I mumble to the blonde.

"Oh we can, except I get to pick where I hit you." He replies with conviction. When I then feel a slap on my ass. No way.

"Dude..." laughs Pope. I turn around to face JJ.

"Skeeter." Says JJ with conviction.

"Oh yeah, proof?" I look expectantly at JJ.

"Uh..." JJ looks around nervously. "Flew away."

"What the-" I give him a confused look at his comment.

"That makes zero sense, bro." Comments Pope.

"Thanks for your help, brother." JJ turns to Pope, shaking his head.

"Good thing for you John b busy right now." Whispers Pope to JJ, looking at Kiara and John b who are just beating each other up.

"Why are there so many mosquitos in a basement?" Pope asks himself.

"Oh, my gosh! Okay, can we leave? Cause I'm already itchin to leave." Murmurs JJ as Pope shines the flashlight on the floor. "Yo I just found Mrs. Crain's voodoo doll, guys." JJ holds up a doll, nearly scaring me to death. "God, JJ!"

Suddenly, Pope quickly grabs all the wooden boards off the floor.

"Hey, Pope."


"Hey, help me move this." Says Pope to John b, as then all the wooden boards clear away. And underneath, a well is hidden. "Well, well, well." Mumbles Pope.

"That was a good dad joke." Replies John b.

"It was obvious that Pope is the only one here who can still think clearly." I say.

"They built this part of the house right over it." Kiara looks down the fountain.

"This is where she hid the bodies." Comments JJ.

"Okay, I'm going to kill you" I lightly push the boy, who then almost loses his balance.

"Dude, come on." Sighs Pope.

"No, I'm dead serious-"

"Stop it!" Kiara looks fearfully at JJ.

"-it was never an outhouse."

"She probably doesn't even know it's here." Says Kiara.

"We found water." Notes Pope.

"We're gonna need a really big rope." Smiles John b.


"That was a success for once." JJ and I walk around outside the chateau by the water.

"Yeah." I laugh. „So, do you wanna— maybe, uh, talk?" I ask nervously.

"Well, we can, but— you can do much nicer things with your mouth, so why talk?" He answers with a smirk.

I kind of don't like it that he avoids to talk to me about it, about „feelings". But I can't help but laugh at his comment.

"Speaking of which, are you in for— you know-" JJ winks at me.

"Here?" I question, but the next moment JJ has me over his shoulder, carrying me inside the chateau.

"The others won't be here for a few minutes anyway."

"JJ, I can walk myself."

"Yeah, I know. But this way I'll have your ass right next to my face." Smirks JJ.

He throws me on the bed and leans over. "JJ you know I have a-"

"Boyfriend? I don't care about your boyfriend. I'm not scared of him." JJ says as a smile appears on his lips.

I fully relax into JJ's movements and enjoy his presence, with him kissing my neck. He knows that drives me crazy.....

𝐽𝑈𝑆𝑇  𝑁𝑂𝑇  𝑌𝐸𝑇  / JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now