6 - Overwhelmed

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~ Abigail pov

Me and Harry practically spent the whole day laughing and talking by the black lake. I have to admit, it was fun. At a point, Hermione and Ron came over. They sat with us and we talked a bit. Then, they left to their room to do who knows what.

We were now watching the sunset in silence. It was very pretty and the sunset was reflecting on the black lake that made it more majestic.

"We should probably go back now," Harry said slowly getting up. I followed his actions and we went all the way to our room in silence.

He opened the door and when I thought he was going to walk in, he actually stepped aside holding the door and signaled me to go in first. Oh, so now he can be a gentleman but can't sleep on the couch.

I still cracked a smile and walked in. I went into OUR room and walked up to the cupboard. I got some pajamas to wear and headed to the bathroom. After I was done, I got out and saw that Harry was sat in the bed, deep in thought.

I wonder if he'd consider letting me sleep on the bed. Oh well, I walked out of the room and sat in the two-person couch. I stared into the fireplace, hoping Harry would come and say 'you can sleep in the bed today!' but guess what, I waited for 15 mins and he didn't come.

Then the door to the room closed. He just closed it, didn't even bother to come out and say goodnight, gosh, it's like he's in his period. He keeps having mood swings.

We had an amazing day and I thought that from now on it would be different. He would actually just accept me as his wife. Guess I just got my hopes up because now he comes in and acts like this.

Anyways, I haven't really talked to my family recently, actually I haven't talked to them since the pairing. The only person from my family I have talked to is my twin, Alice. I met her on Wednesday. She told me that Dean has been very good to her and she said and I quote, "He treats me like the queen I am," yeah sure. She calls herself a queen a lot, I wonder where she got that attitude from.

Nevertheless, I am happy for her. Atleast her relationship is moving while mine is like a seesaw, for a period of time it's in the good one and for another period of time it's in the 'I don't care' one. The seesaw is practically Harry to be honest.

I haven't talked to my parents about all this yet. Well, I can't talk to them but what I mean is I haven't mailed them a letter or anything and as far as I know, neither has Alice. Our dad is kind of strict and we both just don't know how to approach him in the letter. Like should we be straight forward or should we say it in a indirect way. He probably already knows about the marriage law considering he works at the ministry but the thing I am worried about is how he will react to who I got paired with.

The only people I have spent my days since the pairing is Chris, Sofia and Emma. Like I said I talked to Alice on Wednesday but that was just a short talk.

I haven't talked to Alex either. I am pretty sure he has heard about all this but it seems like whenever he is approaching us something comes up or one of the professors comes and tells us to get to our classes. So, I have to find a way to get to talk to him about everything and as a older sister, I should also ask him how his 6th year is going so far. With all those thoughts in my head, I got up.

I walked over to the kitchen, I wonder if Harry ate dinner. I didn't, so I went and saw what we had. There was a lot of stuff but I went for cookies.

~ Harry pov

Abigail is in the bathroom and I am stressing over if I should ask her to sleep on the bed today or no? I mean I don't really want to sleep on the couch but I do want to make a good impression.

I was thinking so hard that I didn't realize Abigail already came out of the bathroom and walked out of the room. She is probably going to get ready to sleep on the... couch.

I sigh. I obviously didn't want Abigail to have to sleep on the couch but I myself also don't want to sleep on it. I have slept in a cupboard for so many years and yes, I agree I also got a lot of years to sleep on a bed after that, but still. I wanna sleep on the bed. I am being childish and selfish but I said what I said. I kind of feel bad but oh well. She is my future wife, so she is going to have to go through it. Maybe after a few days, I'll let her sleep on the bed and who knows, maybe I'll sleep on the bed as well.

I got up and closed the door. I went over to the side of the bed. Before I entered the bedroom, I had grabbed an apple on the way as I didn't eat dinner and I don't think Abigail has either. I ate the apple, changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth and I am currently laying down on the big bed... all by myself. It feels empty and lonely.

Maybe it won't feel like that in a few days.

I cuddled into my blanket and my sight soon went dark.

~ Abigail pov

After eating about 5 cookies, I went and layed down on the couch. Everything inside me feels sort of empty, like I have no one to rely on. I obviously could tell Chris anything and he would understand but I just feel kind of like no one cares about me.

Like no one wants me.

I don't know why I feel like that. Maybe because my parents didn't bother to send me atleast one letter since I have been to Hogwarts but that's just classic them.

Maybe because Alice and all my friends seem to be doing so good in their relationship while I am sleeping on the couch and he's on the bed.

Maybe because me and Alex haven't talked in so many days and I used to talk to him every day.

Maybe because Harry doesn't like me that way and I don't think he ever will. I don't think he will ever except the fact that I am going to be his future wife.

It's all just too overwhelming. I don't know where my relation with Harry is at. I haven't talked to my only brother in days. I don't have the guts to tell my parents about who I got paired with. All my friends seem to be happy and I just am not.

Maybe this is all just a dream. A long dream, that will end when I wake up. With that I closed my eyes and lost my consciousness.

• Author's Note •

Hey y'all! I hope you are all doing good. I know this is a short chapter and it sucks but school happened and I had a huge tummy cramp because of my fasting so yeah. I just really wanted to update today because I have a family gathering tommorow so I don't think I will have the time to tommorow.

And like I said in the announcement, I will most likely be updating once in two days because of life lol

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