3 - Harry Potter

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(I didn't know what to put for the pic so I just put a pic of him lol)

~ Abigail pov

I couldn't sleep properly at all. All night the only thing in my head was the fact that I had to get married and have babies with someone who I might not even know.

I don't have any 'enemies' particularly but there are a lot of people who I just don't associate with. For example, Harry Potter. The only time we see each other is in classes or just bumping or something. And there are a lot of people I know who I have that kind of relationship with. I can say one thing, If I get paired with someone who I have that kind of relationship with, I already know I am not gonna enjoy it.

Currently, I am thinking about what Alice or Alex thinks about this. Or even what Chris, Sofia or Emma think about this. Yesterday after the news, we all didn't really talk to each other. We were all in shock so we just went to our dorms. With all these thoughts, I got off the bed. I looked to my right and saw Sofia still sleeping. I share the dorms with Sofia, a girl named Hannah Abbot and another hufflepuff girl named Susan Bones. I looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was still 7:00 AM. I usually wake up at 8:00 or 8:30 and make my way down at 9:00 with Sofia. So, I have plenty of time.

I made my way to the bathroom and got ready. I put on a casual pair of clothes and put my hair into a normal ponytail. I also put a very small amount of makeup just because I felt like it.

I looked over at the clock and it was 7:30. I still had one hour and half till breakfast. I looked over and saw Sofia was still sleeping and so were the other two. I slowly made my way downstairs to the Hufflepuff common room. I went over to sit at the sofa and just read till breakfast but when I went over, someone was already there. It was none other than Chris and he looked like he was deep in thought. He apparently didn't hear me coming so I decided to...

I jumped from behind on top of his back and he leaned down from the weight. I was the only one who would do something like this so he didn't even need to turn around to know it was me. He cracked a smile.

"Why arent you asleep?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same." I said also with a smile still on his back and my arms around his neck.

"Well, I just couldn't sleep with all the news that Mcgonagall gave us." He said with hint of sadness.

I got off his back by sliding to the side and sitting comfortably before saying, "Same here, I just can't believe they are really gonna randomly pair us up with someone we might not even know and expect us to get married and have babies in a year!" I said all in one breath.

He didn't say anything just nodded.

I leaned over to him and lay on his chest while he leaned back and supported me. I fell asleep just like that in the company of my best friend.


I slowly opened my eyes. I looked up to see Chris also sleeping. I carefully got up not wanting to wake him up but that was unsuccessful as he slowly opened his eyes just like I did a few moments ago.

I looked over to the clock in the common room and realized it was 8:55 AM. Breakfast is gonna be ready in 5 mins. I looked back at him and saw that he was trying to sleep again. Crazy how both of us got no sleep because of the pressure but easily slept for over an hour in each other's arms.

I slight shook him and told him that breakfast is gonna be ready in a few mins so we should head there. Just as I said that a few people came down from their dorms and went out for breakfast. He nodded and got up, we both walked side to side over to the great hall.

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