2 - The Marriage Law

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~ Abigail pov

I woke up as soon as my alarm went off. I couldn't be more excited. We went to Diagon Alley a few days ago and today was the day. The day I go back to Hogwarts. Last year I was really sad that my last time seeing Hogwarts would be it being all destroyed and my friends and me being all traumatized. So I am really grateful to be having another year at Hogwarts.

I got out of bed and went to my closet to get some clothes. I went to my bathroom after, took a quick shower, got dressed up, put my hair in a normal ponytail and put on a light amount of makeup. I got out and went back into my closet. I had packed everything  into my trunk last night so that I have plenty of time to relax in the morning. I pulled my trunk out of the closet and as soon as I exited my closet, I saw Hank enter my room.

I put my trunk down on the ground with a heavy thump. Hank looked astonished. "What's up, Hank?" I ask ignoring his astonished face.

"Umm... M- Master told Hank to come and help you pack and get your trunk down." He said. He calls dad master and mom mistress. He just calls Alice, Alex and me by our names cause we insisted him to do so. He still looked a bit shocked so I decided to ask him.

"Why do you looks so shocked?"

"I- I- I- I didn't expect you to carry your trunk out of your closet." He said looking down. I am guessing he still isn't that comfortable by calling us 'you' instead of 'Ms.'

I went over and put a hand on his arm. "I am an independent women, Hank. I can carry my trunk. You know what, you can go downstairs and tell dad that Abigail insisted on getting her own stuff down." I said somewhat proud of myself.

He asked if I was sure and after a bit of convincing, he left. I carried my trunk which honestly wasn't that hard. I took a last look at my bedroom and closed the door. I went over to the stairs with my trunk and as I was about to go down, I heard someone behind me. I turned around and was met by Alex. I told him good morning and we talked a bit on the way downstairs. I left my trunk by the front door and went over to the dining table where I met my mom who was setting the table, my dad who was reading the newspaper and my sister who was reading a book. Alex sat down next to me and started eating.

After breakfast, dad said goodbye to all of us and left for work. Mom came over and told us to get everything ready. I went over to the front door, got my trunk and met them in the living room. We apparated to platform 9 and 3 quarters. Mom kissed us all goodbye and we boarded the train. Alice went to find her friends and so did Alex, leaving me to find my own friends.

I walked thru the corridor looking for my friends when I accidentally bumped to someone who had just popped out of their compartment. I ended up falling down. Before I could process what was happening, the person lend me their hand. I took the unknown hand and got myself out of the floor. I looked up to meet eyes with...

Harry Potter

"I- I'm sorry" He said sheepishly.

"It's okay" I said quickly before walking past him. No, actually I kind of ran past him. Well, that was awkward. I didn't know Harry Potter was also coming to redo his 7th year. Well there is no year without Potter getting into something chaotic so I'm just hoping he doesn't bring something like that with him this year too.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when someone grabbed my wrist from one of the compartments. I turned around hoping it wasn't anyone I didn't want to meet and luckily it wasn't.

It was Christopher Cooper. One of my best friends. Almost everyone calls him Chris. "Do you have another group of friends you are going to sit with and totally abandon us with, Abby?" He asked sarcastically.

The Marriage Law ~ Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now