After a minute or so of having a stare down with the spinning metal, it started to slow down. I stayed perfectly still, and soon enough, the thing stopped completely. I accidently flinched when I felt a hand on my ankle, but it was only one of the guards getting me out of the restraints. I was lifted off the table, being guided again to another odd machine. I was instructed to stand straight against the metal backboard of the equipment, the cold temperature making me cringe, with the scientist scurrying around me. He paused to write stuff down on his clipboard, before a beep was heard from the printer across the room. One of the guards left to retrieve whatever had printed, while the scientist seemed gleeful. I was once again pulled to a table, this one without restraints. I didn't protest as Saltzer instructed me to hold a weird stick under my tongue. After a few seconds it beeped, before it was yanked out of my mouth by a certain overenthusiastic scientist.

"Alright, easy part almost done. I just need you to open your mouth wide."

I gave the man a look, before shaking my head and doing what I was asked. I figured it was easier to just let the man have his way, especially after I destroyed his desk. Although some part of me said that I liked it, and I had to pause to wonder if I really did. Shit, he's growing on me. A more normal looking stick was shoved in my mouth. It scraped against the back of my throat, causing me to gag and try to pull away. The guards had snuck up behind me, and forced me stay still. One of them even had the audacity to stick a stick right at my joint. It forced me to keep my mouth open as I wriggled in discomfort. The doctor soon took out his stick, but my jaws were not allowed to close. I growled, trying to convince them to let me go. Everybody in the room ignored me. The man put on a set of gloves, before starting to poke around in my mouth. My gums were pulled back, showcasing my rather sharp canines. They were slightly longer then the rest of my teeth, so they weren't hard to find. I felt as the doctor inspected them, before writing something down on his clipboard. My mouth was finally allowed to close, snapping shut with my growls dying off. The men behind me retreated warily in case I turned on them. I was able to sit in a nearby chair and calm down with my babysitters breathing over my shoulder. The man in a lab coat ran about, writing down notes and playing with vials. 

I decided that a little rest wouldn't hurt. Whatever the scientist had done had exhausted me, not physically, but mentally. I laid back in the chair, my tail tapping idly on the floor. Soon enough, the sounds in the lab became background noise as I started to doze off. I was still mildly aware of my surroundings, and the haze in my mind would clear for a second if there was a sharp or sudden noise, but it would quickly engulf me again in its dreamy mist. Its just a quick nap...

⊱⊰ Saltzer's Pov⊱⊰

I watched as our new test subject relaxed in the chair as the time flew by. I had gotten the MRI done, found out 6030's weight and height, got a temperature reading, saliva sample, and to top it off found out its age. Sometimes just the physical properties of an anomaly can help us understand it better then its actual anomalous abilities. I looked over the paper held in my hands. It was the Scp's skeleton, and it was actually quite similar to our own. There were quite a few differences though, although it wasn't too surprising. It turned out the tail was directly connected to the spine, so we probably shouldn't tamper with the thing. Its spine was oddly disjointed, but I realized it must have been so the Scp could stretch the way only it could. I had watched it on the cams contort itself into impossible positions. I would have to make a reminder to myself not to ever play Twister with it. I guess he was named Bendy for a reason. The ankle didn't look like it had ever been broken, so I guessed it must have been deformed or something. 

The Scp weighed 71 pounds, which was surprising considering its staggering height of 7'1. Most of the guards here would be able to pick it up without a problem, as I've seen some of those men bench-press over 100 pounds. I wasn't too shocked about its temperature. Whenever I had touched it, it felt cold to the touch. Turns out he was slightly above room temperature. At the foundation, the rooms were kept at 75° F. 6030 was only 77° F. It was strange, yes, but working at the foundation you tend to expect the unexpected. I had packed the saliva up to be sent to the lab. I would get the results later after the scientists over there had their fun. I found out the Scp was around 90 years old. That was a real slap in the face. Hell, the way he acted made him seem in its twenties. I documented that right away and would be questioning it about it's experiences later. For now though, the real physical was up. 

⊱⊰ Bendy's Pov⊱⊰

Footsteps approached me, causing the fog in my mind to clear for a minute. I opened my eyes to see Saltzer, who was about to wipe the ink off my face. I hissed and reeled back, unprepared for his proximity. I restrained a swipe at his arm; that would get me in serious trouble. My spines prickled uncomfortably as the guards made noises of protest. The scientist stared at me for a second, before motioning for me to get up and come with him. Some little part of me protested, but I stood up anyway. I knew with the two men standing behind me, I didn't have a choice. I was taken to another room, this time a new one. There were strange machines littering the walls and floor, and I was instructed to use them. I stared blankly at the humans, before finally speaking. "̵T̴h̴e̶ ̸f̸u̷c̴k̶?̵"̶

⊱⊰ Mike's Pov⊱⊰  

I watched in amusement as Peter taught 6030 how to use the equipment. Apparently, Saltzer had forgotten to check whether the Scp knew how to use the tools needed for the experiment before going at it anyway. I watched as Peter tried to get the Scp to use the weights, while the Scp was asking questions. "Just trust me." I heard him try to goad the Scp into doing what he asked, but the Scp seemed to think otherwise. "̸I̷ ̶d̶o̵n̶'̴t̷ ̶t̵r̷u̴s̴t̴ ̶y̶o̶u̴ ̴f̶a̴r̷t̷h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̷h̴e̷n̷ ̷I̸ ̶c̷a̶n̵ ̷t̶h̶r̵o̴w̴ ̶y̸o̸u̸.̶"̸

I restrained a snort, but the Scp glanced in my direction. The Scp finally did what it was told, holding the ten pound weight with a baffled expression on its face. "̸A̷n̴d̸ ̷h̴o̶w̵ ̶e̵x̷a̶c̴t̴l̴y̵ ̵i̸s̶ ̴t̶h̸i̸s̸ ̴p̶r̵o̷d̵u̷c̸t̵i̷v̵e̷?̶"̶ The weights were switched for heavier ones, all of which the Scp had no problems with. Soon enough though, the Scp was straining to get the weight off the floor. We were using the bigger ones now, instead of the single hand held ones. When the Scp reached the fifty pound weight, it was a panting mess, and couldn't lift the weight up. It shook itself out, before retreating to sit on a bench. I followed it this time, while Peter went to talk with Saltzer. I sat down next to it, and I watched it as it slumped down in it's seat. An odd thought came to me. What if I...

⊱⊰ Bendy's Pov⊱⊰

After making me lift some odd heavy things called 'weights', I sat down on the bench to regain my breath. I pointedly ignored the man next to me, choosing to focus of whatever the other two men across the room were doing. I was forced to notice the man next to me though, when he pulled me in his lap. I froze for a second, before deciding I was too tired to really care. I huffed, but felt myself leaning closer to the man. He was warm, I was not. Even after exerting myself like that, my body heat wouldn't go up. It always annoyed me how I was always cold. Guess I found a solution. I closed my eyes and decided I could enjoy this while it lasted.

⊱⊰ Saltzer's Pov⊱⊰

I glanced across the room to check on Bendy, only to pause and gape in surprise. Mike was cuddling with him. I lifted my phone, snapping a quick picture before Peter went over to ruin the scene. Never had I thought I would see something like that (well, maybe from 999,) from a Scp like Bendy. I figured there had to be a logical explanation for it somewhere. I was sadly running out of those. 

I watched as the Scp seemed reluctant to move, before finally being persuaded by Peter. Mike got up, chuckling, before heading over to me. "So, mind telling me what that was all about?" He grinned at me, "I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure he liked it." I tilted my head. "How so?" Mike's grin widened "He leaned into it."

I wrote down that the Scp seemed to like contact, before I told everybody to pack up. We escorted 6030 back to containment, before we all dispersed. I watched as Mike and Peter walked back to the barracks, chuckling about what they had experienced. I went back to my room, the old desk and its scraps having been cleaned up, and a new desk sat in its place. I documented my research and managed to come up with a decent containment plan. So far, 6030 didn't exhibit any anomalous abilities, and if it ever did, we would be revising the plan. I really hoped that didn't happen. The paperwork I would have to go through...

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