Chapter 1

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(third person pov)

After a long successful and well needed sleep, you slowly but surely start to wake up. Your dreams still vivid and clear in your mind. You start to rise out of you sleeping  form and sit up straight to look around at the view you're all to familiar with. A room with posters, pictures of loved ones, a work area and a small tv is what you call your bedroom. That being said, your bedroom of many memories... was junky.

You concluded that cleaning your room with have to wait. There were more urgent things to worry about, such as hygiene since your breath was a bit retched. With that task in your mind, you rose out of your covers and tiredly walked your way to your bathroom. You did your business such as brushing teeth, washing your face, taking a shower, and taking care of your hair. You then looked into your mirror to see nobody but the H/L, H/C haired girl you knew all too well, staring right back at you with her E/C eyes. In your opinion, you looked pretty fresh.

Y/N sat at her dinner table near the kitchen in comfortable silence thinking about her life and how she gotten to this point. In her opinion, she thinks she's done pretty well. A little closed off and quiet, but still a full grown 22 year old living on her own doing well...? 

(first person pov)

I've been living here on my own for a while now, and you would think I'd be more... I don't know.. outgoing? I mean, it does get a little lonely around here and I would mind a friend or two around... but to have friends, you gotta find them and make them and I would rather do anything else. "Oh, come on N/N! If you want relationships, you gotta make them happen, there's no way around it!" My inner voices yells at my thoughts. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt too much to make a friend"  you think out loud. 

(third person)

Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by a loud, strange sound coming from the living room. The sound was then followed by a scream and a big thud. The sounds startled so you that you decided to grab your baseball bat, for protection, and cautiously by quickly walked to the living room to see what all the noise was about. You walk into the living room to see a lady in fancy attire on the ground. She wore a gold fancy outfit fit with gold accessories to match. She seemed to be in pain by something. Did she fall from the ceiling? "Excuse me ma'am, do you need help?" You asked politely, reaching your hand out to her, still visibly shaken up by the weird situation occurring at the moment. "Why yes thank you I.." she cuts herself off after taking a good look at Y/N. "WHO ARE YOU? WHY SRE YOU DRESSED LIKE...." she points her finger at your outfit in confusion "...THAT? DID YOU KIDNAP ME?? EXPLAIN YOURSELF" The lady in gold attire demands at you. You are very startled by the woman's sudden outburst. You really did not like being yelled at. So you muster up very little courage to answer back with a question. "m-Ma'am, i t-think I should be asking who YOU are!" You say, stepping back a little from the woman, scared of what she'll say next. "WHO AM I?? I'M-"

Her loud introduction was interrupted by another scream from the ceiling. This time, you got to see how it happens. A strange portal of many colors opens, dropping another lady in fancy attire from the ceiling, and disappearing as soon as it came. You and the woman in gold attire run to see who fell this time. The woman was short and wore a green outfit with and had space buns in her hair. "Miss are you okay?!" You said. You had a feeling you would be saying this more and more as the day goes by. "Yes, I'm okay but where am-" she takes one look at the woman in gold attire snd her face becomes ridden with hatred. "YOU." She says spitefully. "YOU!" The woman in gold attire say back, channeling the same hatred in her voice as the lady with space buns. "I thought I say the last of you at your funeral, why are YOU here, Catherine?!" The woman with space buns says stomping towards Catherine bitterly. "I thought I saw the last of you too, BOLEYN. Even after my death, I still have to see your detestable face!" Catherine says, getting in her face to argue with her more.

"They... know each other?" You question watching them bicker. Before you could break up their quarrel, two more woman come falling out of the ceiling!

"...this is going to be a difficult day" you think tiredly.

yayyy!!! my first chapter is done! i really hope you guys enjoyed that because if you did, you're gonna love what i have in store for the future chapters! stay tuned!❤️❤️❤️

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