Hogwarts Preparations with Riddle Edition

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15 minutes later found the four friends plus the Riddle git walking around fetching school supplies. Tom and Harry had their own system going, they would glare at each other peripherally, then pretend that never happened and pretend to be good friends. They would then argue about some controversial topics such as whether the Earth was flat, whether muggleborns were descendants from squibs of pureblood lineage and that had resulted in a bit too much of a stir in the group so they both agreed to avoid it. At one point it went to whether plants have a mind of their own, then whether or not it was possible to survive the killing curse. Harry of course, chose not possible because he was not crazy.

"The curse removes your soul from your body, so what makes you think you can put the soul back into the body? Not even necromancy does that properly" Harry reasoned.

"That would mean you died then got ressurected which is not the same as surviving the curse" Tom pointed out.

"Well then, suppose you managed to block the killing curse by creating a barrier of magic triggered by your unreasonably strong survival instinct, use of such a great amount of magic would burn your magical core. You'd be as a good as a muggle reading fantasy novels for a few seconds before the shock of losing your magic would kill you" Harry reasoned once again since Tom seemed incapable of doing so.

Tom looked at Harry, eyes wide in shock, did Potter experiment on people or something, that is highly disturbing. "How do you know this?" he asked mildly, though he was flabbergasted on the inside. Sure he knew Harry wasn't light but to experiment with a curse that has scarred him...

Harry glanced at Tom for a moment as if sensing his true thoughts and emotions "I have a solid grasp on magical theory and muggle science, specifically chemistry and kinesiology." That got a sneer from the two Blacks and Malfoy but Tom understood the usefulness of the subjects. "Did you seriously think I would experiment with such a deadly curse?" Harry asked disbelievingly.

Tom didn't deign that worthy of a reply but he felt his cheeks go slightly pink in what Harry assumed was sheepishness.

Harry sneered at that "as much as I would like to off the wannabe Dark Lord in France, I have not been stupid enough to actually cast the curse at him lest I get charged for murder in case his magic wasn't strong enough to protect him5."

"Wannabe Dark Lord in France?" Now it was Tom's turn look at the other in disbelief. "I can't see that happening" really, he wanted to see what the brat came up with this time.

"Oh yes, the wannabe Dark Lord decided that France's neutral view on all forms of magic wasn't enough, he wanted Dark magic to be further recognized. And so he would go on raids that were almost always poorly planned as a guise for his followers to think they were ridding Wizarding France of so called "dirty blood." He almost got his true identity revealed and arrested in his fifth raid, so he most definitely didn't get further than his neighbourhood. He fashioned himself the name Lord Voldevie as the locals knew him. He was so much of a joke at one point that we nicknamed him Timmy" Harry answered, mixing up some things he knew of Voldemort and adding some made-up details to it.

He caught onto Tom's discomfort as he knew that teenage Tom had those plans made out since he was fifteen and if by however small a chance there is, he offended the actual Voldemort. "Careful now Harry, one would think you were ignorant to the power of Dark magic and it doesn't to be both headstrong and stupid at the same time" Tom said with sweetness dripping from his tone.

Harry merely glanced at him and hummed in response "it doesn't do to judge a person's personality by the telling of a story" he retorted calmly.

Tom rolled his eyes, he knew that if he were to send another retort, it'd get them nowhere and he would rather discuss controversial topics. "Anyway, back on topic, I highly doubt that it is impossible to survive the killing curse. Magic has no limits after all." Especially the time magic you used to bring us both back in time.

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