The hell Zak!?~part 9

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Zelk pov-

"Zak we need to talk."

WHY the fuck did that book change?!? That's like not normal? Right? Did I miss something? Can books just change without any thing making it, unless I DID IT? no I'm not un human, I'm very human- last time I checked atleast.

"Zak. What the fucked just happened."

"Wh-wha-what yo-you... me-mean?"


"What about the bo-bo-book."

"That the book has changed color?"

He turn the book around and it was soo obviously he was freak out too, but tried really badly to keep it together.

"N-no Zelk the books th-the sam-same-"

"Zak, I have heard a cat with dementia that is deaf in one ear and that has no teath, liar better then that."

"Okay, what is that comparison."

"Zak, your gonna tell me what the hell that book is after class or your a gone man, you hear me."

"About what?"

"I'm about to deck you."


"ZAK, I may be dumb and not as smart as Mega and Techno, but I know when a green crystal turns red."

"It's been red-"

I just hit him on the head at that point.


"Zak I'm not dumb, and I am very sure of that. What ever you and Mega were doing in a closet for half a period, and if, or if not that book is connect to why you had to skip a whole class period with mega, your GONNA tell me what the flipen hell going on today, cause I know its a normal Monday and this shit is not something that would happen on a Monday morning, especially from Mr I hate Mondays." 

Skeppy's pov~

Zelk is way to smart for me.

I promised mega I wouldn't tell anyone especially zelk, BUT FOR FUCK SAKE MEGA KNOWS I CANT LIE!!! Zelk knows I'm hiding shit, and I can't play it off as other stuff, so what if I do tell him whats going on, and he HAS to promise on his SOUL he won't tell.

cause I have no idea what that mute demon freak would do to me if he found out I told his lover boy his big secret. I'm dead.

"Zak! ZAK!"


I heard the door closed and as I looked over the teacher came in.

"Settle down class, settle down."

Zelk leaned over and I can feel him near me.

"Your gonna spill everything you dumbass or as I said your dead."

Ya- I'm done either way. If I tell, or not, i'm a gone man.

Zelk moved his body over to start looking at the teacher. Much. Much. Much more mader then before. I just kinda melt into my chair and try to enjoy my last couple of hours I hope of my short lived life.

I looked down and opened the book, the book of all my life issues right now- the book that probably gonna get me killed. But you know what, I possibly get to summon a demon, if I do live long enough to. I opened the book to a another note falling out, but this time it much darker and looks like it had caught fire at one point.

So you decide to ignore my warning to
Keep reading this book even though
This book has ended mines and many
Others lives? You most be a special kind
Of nincompoop? Well even though who
Ever is reading this book is probably much much more in the future then me. I feel like you
Can atleast know my name. I am Xio.

And it just ended. No date this time, Like the other one, I tried to see if there was more writing on it, then I looked back to the front where the writing was to it being different... like not oh its different cause I read it in a different eye, no it was new writing.

I'm not letting you have proof of my name,
Or nothing easy to describe me.
But I'll make sure you will never forget me.
You will get notes like this, but they will all disappear, physically, but not in your head.
I have put a spell on my words. So they never leave your head but the notes them selfs will disappear.

I quickly moved my hand to my pocket, to not feel a note there... its gone. I looked at the desk, that note I just read it's gone as well. I went to the book and went through it all, to have no notes in there. Where in the fucking hell are those notes coming from. Wait so I know demons exist, I have seen it first hand. But magic exists?!? Who is this Xio person, did they make this book them self, what's their gender, is sorin actually thire cat, where did they find this book I have sooo many questions-

I was cut off but Zelk putting his hand on my shoulder.


"Ah yes Zelk-"

"Class is over, you know what that means."

"Zelk honestly do you want to know-"

"Zak. You promised, if you don't tell, I'm gonna go ask mega-"


"I'm concerned on what the hell is going on."

You know what Zelk same here...

Word count-888

Yay new chapter!!! Yall happy, I had fun, I know short but next chapter I'll try to make longer, and hell This fanfic is almost to 9k thank you!!! And I just hit 400 votes thank you all!! That means alot!!!

Well thank you for reading I appreciate it💖

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