Chapter 1: Welcome to High school

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Emma heard a buzzing sound by her ear 10 minutes ago, she now heard a knocking sound at her door, "Is there an animal infestation in my house?"  She asked, groggily.

"No, Emma.  It's just us telling you that it's best to get ready before you're late for your first day."  Norman called.  Emma snapped awake at that.  How on Earth did she forget that tiny detail? She ran to her closet and pulled out her school uniform that was slightly wrinkled.  She flung open her door,

"Sorry for making you guys late, I set a timer on my phone!"

"This is why you check and make sure that your ringtone is set on the loudest setting possible."  Ray said, finally looking up from his book.

"Why are you even reading?  It's high school!  You had your whole entire childhood to read!"  Emma asked, grabbing the book,

"Reading is something that happens over a long periods of time."  Ray said, snatching his book back and hitting Emma on the head with it.  Emma scowled and ran to the washroom to brush her teeth.  She grabbed a doughnut off a table and spun around to meet a disappointed-looking Ray,

"No doughnuts for breakfast, healthy stuff!"  He explained, rummaging through her kitchen and pulling out a variety of fruits and vegetables.  He shoved everything into the blender and hesitated before adding some orange juice.  He turned it on and waited for about a minute before turning the blender off.  He handed the smoothie to Emma, "Don't say I didn't do you any good!"

"Where's the sugar and carbs!  You know I need that to live!"

"Fruits have natural sugar!  There's also orange juice in there so you'll be fine!"

"B-b-but I've been looking forward to eating sugar for a while since you kept me off it!"

"Well, too bad."  Ray said, snatching the doughnut and shoving it into a paper bag.

"Ray!  Don't be so mean.  Look, Emma, if you drink half the smoothie  I'll give you a chocolate croissant to eat on the go.  If that's not enough, I'll even throw in 2 cookies during lunch."  Norman  intervened.

"Deal!"  Emma said, drinking as fast as she could, "What do I get if I  finish all of it?"  Ray grumbled before shoving the doughnut in her face, 

"This!  You get your doughnut back!  Also, since you thought about drinking more than half, you can get a lollipop tomorrow."  Emma gladly finished her smoothie.  In doing so, she received her doughnut and her croissant.  She scarfed down her croissant and  shoved her doughnut in her bag,


"6:45, school doesn't start until 7:30 so what do you want to do?"  Norman asked,

"Let's go to Hawaii!"  Emma exclaimed and Ray laughed, "What?!  I'm serious!"  

"Maybe something more realistic, Emma."  Norman said, mouthing 'shut up!' to Ray.

"Fine, can we go to the book store?"

"Don't tell me your becoming like Ray!"

"I just wanted to do something realistic like you said."

"It can be creative and realistic!  Nobody said you have to tone down on the fun."

"What about...  hm, I don't kno- oh!  We can go to a farm!"

"Name any farm within a mile from here!"  Ray snapped and Emma was about to open her mouth when he smiled, "Actually...  We can do a short escape room!  There's one near the school."  Ray said.  Nobody objected.  As usual, Emma lost her driver's license, Norman didn't have his wallet and Ray's got revoked since he was reading while driving.  Luckily, Ray had his cell, "I'll call a cab!"  He said, taking out his phone and starting to dial a number.  Norman didn't trust cabs so he snatched the phone.

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