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Snapdragon: Represent strength, symbolizes deviousness and grace.

Trouble was exactly what found her in the form of Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, don't get her wrong, Andromeda had no problem with either of them. They were just a little...too much for her. Always attempting to be the good guys while never really getting things done. That wasn't her style, survival was important for her and if that meant getting her hands dirty to ensure her safety then no one could really blame her. They were also pretty annoying and even though she was in the body of Caroline, Andromeda had no patience and no reason to play nice and naive. She had a goal and that was to get the hell out of the fictional world.

"Caroline, we need to talk to you," Elena said, looking at the blonde worriedly. Really, now she plays the concerned friend when before she was content in letting her 'best friend' play the blood bag of Damon Salvatore? All she did was give the feral vampire a talking to that didn't do much and left it at that, oh. Guess there were more reasons why Andromeda disliked the doppelganger. "Follow us."

Andromeda narrowed her eyes at the audacity, how dare this typical girl-next-door brunette order her around? Katherine really is the better doppelganger. "If you have something to say then go on ahead and say it here." She then tapped her foot repeatedly as she awaited for whatever Elena needed to say. Nearly snorting at the affronted look on her face, Andromeda merely quirked a brow.

Stefan looked more than a little uncomfortable as he shifted on his feet, sparing a glance at the dumbfounded girl beside him. He cleared his throat and smiled tightly at the blonde. "I saw you arrive with Damon," Was all he said before they both looked at her with an expectant look.

"And? He offered me a ride, I wasn't going to refuse him."

The brooding vampire stepped forward and made direct eye contact with her and with a clear voice he said, "You shouldn't be around him anymore, he's dangerous and unhinged."

Now she really couldn't hide the snort that left her, lips quirking in amusement. "Pot calls the kettle back." She rolls her eyes at the confusion in both of their eyes. "Clearly we haven't met, hi I'm Caroline Forbes and I do what the fuck I want." Smirking at the wide eyed look of Elena Gilbert, she walked around them, pausing a little way and turning her head towards them slightly. "I don't take orders from some random new school boy, you may have puppy over there wrapped around your finger and vice versa but that will never be me."


She had History next with the douche Tanner, it was a disappointment that he was still alive. Damon should really do his job as the feral, unhinged vampire and kill him already. Wait, was Vicki still a vampire? Or did they kill her already? Well, it wasn't her problem, she wasn't the hero type anyways but she really needed the druggy to keep Tyler's attention off of her. Oh well, she'll find someone new.

It was confusing looking for Tanner's class, why couldn't she at least get Caroline's memories before abruptly switching places? It was extremely annoying and she was ready to just ditch the rest of school despite being there for only a single period, that is until Andromeda spotted a very familiar face. Jeremy Gilbert, the stoner younger brother of Miss Perfect Elena Gilbert, about to sneak into the restroom no doubt to make a sale or light a blunt.

"Jeremy!" She shouted as she practically sprinted towards the slightly taller boy, who jumped as soon as he heard his name being called. "Thank goodness I ran into you."

Brown eyes shifted around the room nervously before glancing back at the blonde coming his way. "Hey Caroline, what's up?"

Skidding to a stop, she smiled widely at him, internally laughing at his terrified face. Thinking about it, she must look entirely too much like a maniac. "I need help finding Tanner's classroom."

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