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Hibiscus: Delicate beauty


Andromeda opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times when she didn't recognize where she was. She sat up with a jolt, looking around with uneasiness. This wasn't her room, she glanced down and had to swallow down a scream, and this wasn't her body. Her skin was two shades too light, the blanket fell to her waist and her eyes nearly bugged out. She'd also never be caught dead wearing something this skimpy, her mother would have her head.

She sat up and walked towards the full body mirror that was perched in the corner of the girly room. "What the fuck?" She whimpered as she stared at her reflection, anxiety bubbled up in her as she recognized who exactly she was. "This can't be real.."

A knock at the door startled her and she spun around just in time to see a blonde older woman peek her head in. "Oh good, you're awake. I'll be heading into work early, make sure to eat some breakfast and get to school. Bye, Caroline."

Andromeda's stomach clenched and she willed the bile that threatened to spill out away. This can't be real, she can't possibly be some fictional character. How the hell did this even happen?

"Okay, okay, deep breaths." She inhaled through her nose and exhaled from her mouth, she couldn't allow herself to have a full on panic attack. Not when she was somewhere unfamiliar, this wasn't a safe space, at least not yet. "Maybe there is a way to go back home, maybe this is just a dream." Andromeda nodded firmly to herself. "I'll get through the day for now and then I'll go to sleep and wake up back at home, where I will be with my mom and brothers. Just one day."

She walked to her closet and slightly cringed at the clothing, she almost forgot the vast difference in style she and Caroline had. It's okay, it's okay. It's just one day. She grabbed a pair of dark skinny jeans and a light shade of purple tank top, a pair of matching undergarments and began getting ready. Maybe a jean jacket would pair nicely. She slipped on a light washed denim jacket and brown boots.

Andromeda stared at the blonde hair Caroline had and frowned, how should she style it so that it didn't look too off from her normal style. A simple ponytail? Or maybe a braid?

"Still not ready, barbie? Didn't think it would take this long." The girl jumped and quickly turned around, her breath hitched. Ian Somerhalder or as the character he was playing, Damon Salvatore, the unhinged vampire that was currently using her new body as a blood-bag. Great, just great.

"Damon, I'm just, uh, just deciding on how to do my hair." She nearly took a step back when Damon stood up and stalked forward. Was he going to try and drink her blood? God, she hoped not because she really couldn't handle her natural reflexes and might end up decking him and she didn't want to die before she could find a way to get home. "What are you doing?"

"Getting my snack," And just before he could shift, Andromeda pulled her fist back and punched him right on the nose with all the strength she could muster. "Fuck!" He stumbled back, clutching his nose. His head snapped up and he bared his fangs at her.

Fear coursed through her body, her heart was racing painfully fast but she wouldn't back down. Just because she planned on leaving soon doesn't mean she'd allow some asshole to feed on someone who only wanted to be loved. She gathered that much from barely watching the show.

Andromeda glanced around her room and saw a wooden chair which was quite convenient. Quicker than she thought possible, she broke off one of the legs of the chair and held it in front of her. "Come any closer and I promise you I'll kill you."

"Think you can handle murder, especially with your mom being sheriff?" He asked, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

She really wanted to cry, this was terrifying! "I can handle murdering a blood-sucking creature that has no remorse for feeding on me." That was a lie, Andromeda was certain that should she leave, she'd always remember killing someone. Vampire or not. "So don't come any closer!" Her palms were sweaty as she gripped her makeshift stake. Sure she'd feel the guilt of killing someone later but right now her fight or flight response was screaming and the only thing she could think about was protecting herself.

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