I pulled my chain out to show them the ring which I was still wearing but around my neck instead of my finger. It has been withbme the whole time; for nine years every day close to me, around my neck and close to my heart even after all these years. They knew about the ring.

They were quiet and were staring at me with sadness. I continued.
"No Avika, I don't want any hopes or any dream, I have suffered enough, so, please I beg you guys to stop worrying about me, Im ok or I will be one day," I assured them.

"We just want you to be happy" Nidhi said, and they all came to hug me, group hug.
I smiled.

You all are there, right? As my Girl Friends, it's enough for me, I love you guys," I teased them and I really meant what I said.

"If you need anything or wanna talk, we are here hope you know that" Bharti said.
Yes, always" I replied with a warm smile.

"Let's get ready we are already late," Nidhi informed.

I took a deep relaxing breath and got ready.
By the time we were ready, it was already 07:15 p.m. and we were late.

I was wearing a combination of pink, orange, and yellow
colour nylon net saree with a matching blouse. My blouse was deep from the back and my tummy and waist were visible. We all loved wearing a saree and showing off our
"Let's go, let's go, guys," Avkia said rushing
"We need to go directly to Disha's dressing room near the hall," I informed them.

Let's go" Nidhi pulled me along with her as she walked towards the entrance.
One by one, we stepped out of the room.
Guys, you go ahead. I forgot my watch and earrings. Meet you at Disha's room in 5"
I told them and left almost running towards my room.

Don't get lost," I heard Avika yelling.

I rang the bell off our room and the babysitter opened the door; I entered.
"Sir is getting ready," she told me shyly.
"What's your name?" I asked as I stepped in.

"Tina she answers politely.

She had a very soft voice. She was young too maybe eighteen or twenty years old.
"Nice name:" And I gave her a warm smile.
"Thank you." and smiled back.

The door of B1 was closed. I opened my room and went inside. I sat on the bed and took my handbag. I removed my watch and earrings. And I found my headphone.
Looking at the headphone was always tempting. I plugged the earphone and hit the play on my phone.

"Can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley" played.

This was the song that I will sing for Disha and Rahul today at the after party of the Engagement.
As I was wearing a saree, there was no pocket to keep the phone, so instead of carrying it in my hand; I tugged it in the saree near my belly.

"If I can't help faling in love with you"

The song played, and I was mumbling the
lyrics along with it. I took the watch and tied it and then I took the earrings and wore them as I walked towards the window.

The view out was beautiful. Beach in the evening time is always pleasant to watch; It was almost dark and families were sitting and gossiping; children were playing, old people jogging, couples walking holding

"Like a river flows... surely to the sea."
"Darling, so it goes"
I sang along loudly.

Someone's hand startled me on my waist. I turned instantly and with that one of the earphones dropped. I saw Alg standing so-close to me that I felt his breath on my face. I froze seeing him inches away from me.

Some things are meant to be"

The song continued,
He took one earphone and plugged it in his ear. We were still standing close; facing each other and I was lost in his eyes as the song played. Right then something got into me and I gazed in awe at him

"Take my hand"
I offered him my hand he took it.

"Take my whole life, too"

I placed my other hand on his shoulder.
He placed his other hand on my waist automatically.
For I can't help falling in love with you."

I mouthed the words along, as we moved a little slow dance.

"For I can't help falling in love with you"

I smiled widely as the last line of the song stretched; we stopped, but we were still holding each other, looking in each other's eyes; lost in each other.

The song played again. He slowly slides his palm from my waist to the front towards my belly, very slowly gliding his fingers, as his hand moved on my bare skin.

It froze me; the electricity flowed through my skin as his
fingers moved. I couldn't move; he had trapped me with his eyes.

"Wise men say only fools rush in"

The song played again. As his hands moved over my belly, he slowly took my phone out that was tugged in and he looked down at the phone and thus breaking eye contact.

"But I can't help falling in love with you"

Then he hit stop, and the song stops at "You!"

*We are going to be late"

He whispered, his voice was barely audible and the heat between us was so, powerful and so alarming that it gave me chills and at that moment nothing mattered, but only him.

I was distracted by his lips and as I looked at his lips I swallowed. The lump in my throat returned and I couldn't speak nor I couldn't take my eyes off his lips. He was still holding my hand and my hand was over his shoulders.

"That was a lovely song" he said softly looking at me with those big brown eyes.

"Hmm all I could manage and then I stepped back, blinking, he let me go.

I was attracted to him; I just want to kiss
him badly.


I was angry now for not able to anything.

My body ached for him. I felt like pulling him close to me if not then my hair.

I need to leave, I thought.
I gave him a tight smile.

"Let's go" I walked out of the room saying nothing and without stopping. I hurried towards the main door to leave the room.

I was not sure why I felt angry, but I just kept walking until I reached the front door. I stopped and said without turning.

"I will meet you down" My voice cracked a
My eyes were burning, and I controlled myself by taking deep breaths. I didn't want to cry now; it was not the right time.

I didn't close the door behind me I just kept walking; nearly running. I didn't bother to take the lift. I walked down the two flights
of stairs to the hallway.

Disha was gettingready there.

I reached Hall. It was decorated with thousands of twinkling lights and pink flowers. They built the stage between numerous decorated chairs circled around it,
with dark pink sparkle ribbons. That matched the pink theme.

It was so beautiful that I forgot I was angry and stood at the hall for a minute to admire the decoration.

And guys I'll try to post 1 big part everyday......

TRUE LOVE (PART 2) Where stories live. Discover now