Letting Loose

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---Elle's POV

As we sit in his truck with Mac Miller blasting, I can't help but to feel incredibly nervous. I'm going out with the Flyers to a club, I keep repeating to myself. This all seems so surreal. Thankfully, Steve is nice enough to drive by my apartment before we go to the club since I'm in all my Flyers gear.

When we get to my apartment, Steve goes into the bathroom and changes out of his suit and into something more comfortable. He waits on the couch and watches some TV while I get ready. I throw my bag across the room on to my bed and while I'm making a mad dash to my closet, I peel off all my layers of clothes until I'm standing in just my bra and underwear. I fumble through my closet, frantically searching for something to wear that's "club appropriate"- I don't want to keep Steve waiting for long. I don't have many clothes that I can wear to clubs- I'm not a big partier, not even when I was in college.

All I can find are sundresses and I start to panic. "YES!" I yell outloud- I finally find a dress to wear that has been inhabiting the back of my closet for the longest time. I put on a strapless bra and hope that the dress still fits. "Thank god!" I say to myself as I slip on the tight dress. The only time I actually wore this was when Carly dragged me to a club for my 21st birthday. I slip on a pair of matching shoes on my feet, grab a purse, throw my hair up into a bun, and then put on some make-up.

Before I present myself to Steve, I step in front of my mirror. I smooth out any creases and spin around slowly making sure everything is in its place. Usually, I don't worry about what I look like when I go out and I don't get all dressed up like this- but I want to show Steve that I'm not just sweet and innocent - "Bambi"- and I can let loose and have fun.

I look in the mirror and take a couple deep breaths. "You can do this Elle, don't be a moron and get flustered," I say to myself quietly in hopes that the small pep talk will work. I walk into the hallway and Steve turns his head to look at me. His facial expression goes from blank to surprised in a matter of nanoseconds. I feel my heart flutter as his tall solid moves over to me. He looks great- his simple white v neck and jeans outfit, with his hat on backwards definitely works well for him.

"You look amazing Elle," he says sincerely. I thank him and we head out to his truck. Once again, he helps me into his truck, and my nerves start to get to me. He obviously seems to notice the panicked look on my face when he looks at me. "Don't worry, the guys are great- they'll be nice to you, but definitely expect G and Scotty to give you a hard time," Steve laughs and holds my hand.

We start to talk about some random topics with country music playing in the background. All of the sudden, it is interrupted by my phone- my mom is calling again. I apologize to Steve for the interruption and I answer my phone.

My mother starts to tell me bad news about my father and I try to play it off so that Steve doesn't suspect anything is wrong. My voice may have told Steve I was okay, but my face was telling him a completely different story.

"So uhm, what do your parents do?" Steve asks me quietly, hoping to change the subject. However, I can feel that he is trying to find out more information about what was going on.

"My mom is a real estate agent, she's always on the move." I say.

"That's interesting- and your dad?"

My heart sinks thinking about my father and his trip to the hospital, "He's an auto mechanic, we used to have a repair shop called, "Mr. Fix-it", I know it's corny." Steve and I both laugh. I try not to tear up- I gave my dad that nickname and called him it whenever he repaired anything around the house.

"Used to? What happened?" he looks at me with a confused look.

"Uhm- yeah- he retired- he didn't like it anymore." I lie. Truth is, he loved that shop. He loves fixing things for everyone- he was shattered when he found out that he had to close the shop due to the cancer- I can't tell Steve that though - at least not now.

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