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-----Steve's POV

"Hey Mase! What's that look for?" G asks, nudging me on the shoulder waking me up from my daze.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You look like a love sick puppy!" G replies.

​​​​​"What's her name?!" Scott yells from the front of the car.

I start to get red in the face and the guys tease me more about it, telling me they won't stop harassing me until I tell them her name.

"Her name is Elle, she works at a bakery- nothing serious guys.

"That's not what it looks like to us Mase!" Scott chuckles, and hits me lightly on the shoulder.

The next twenty minutes is hell- they keep teasing me about Elle, and ask a ton of questions about her. I don't answer a lot of their questions since I don't actually know a lot about her anyway- but I'm going to make sure that changes as soon as possible.

As time went on, all I could think about was Elle's face when she was talking to her mother. I'm worried something is wrong, but I don't want to be a jerk trying to get information out of her. However, at the same time, I want to be there for her.

-----Elle's POV

I get settled on the train and pull out my headphones. I didn't pack a lot since I figured that I wouldn't be gone for too long. I start to listen to some Indie music and lean my head against the window.

​​​​​My dad is doing even worse and my mother called me to tell me he had fallen in the kitchen and twisted his ankle. On top of that, my father is also having a bad reaction to his chemotherapy and he is going to stay in the hospital for several days. I had to leave the diner then and there because I didn't want him to see me cry.

It seems as though whenever anything goes well, or starts to pick up speed, something bad has to follow and stop me in my tracks. My life is filled with horrible ironies/coincidences and bad luck. I know my father isn't just another bad coincidence, but just as I thought things were getting better- new apartment, new city, my dream job- my father - my best friend- is diagnosed with cancer.

As I watch the trees and buildings go by in a blur, thoughts of Steve invade my mind. Everything about him makes my heart flutter: the way one eye closes a little bit more whenever he laughs or smiles, his brown hair, the way he says my name, his smirk, his Canadian accent. The gentle movement of the train and thoughts about Steve slowly put me to sleep.

Suddenly, I am awoken by my ringtone. I yawn, rub my eyes, and pull out my phone. I immediately smile and my heart becomes warmer in my chest.
Steve: Excuse me miss!

Me: Hey!

Steve: What's up?

I don't want him to know I'm on my way home to see my sick father- I just met him and I don't want him to feel awkward trying to comfort me or something.

Me: Oh nothing just cleaning up at the bakery!

Steve: Sounds good, I'm on my way to New York for Game 1.

We text for a while until he fell asleep on his car ride to New York. I don't mind since the train is just about to arrive at my stop in Pomona. Plus I'm going to be busy anyway dropping my stuff at home and then heading to the hospital.

Once I get to the hospital to see my father, I realize how hard it is going to be. I know he isn't going to look like the healthy man he used to be before the cancer. When I enter the small white room, my mother is reading a book beside my sleeping father. She sees me, hugs me tight, and tells me she's sorry that I have to see my dad like this.

Through the night, my father wakes up a few times and we talk about what's going on at the bakery and how life was treating me. It was going to break my heart if I left my dad alone in the hospital for the night, so I make myself a make shift bed with two chairs beside his.

The next 5 days go by in a blur; all filled with sleeping, hospital food, TV, and the playoffs. I basically stayed in the same clothes my entire visit. Steve and I texted on and off but I tried to refrain myself from texting him so much. He is focusing on getting better and playing and I don't want to interfere.

Occasionally, I saw his interviews about whether or not he was going to be able to play and it always made my heart sing seeing his face. Hearing his voice and seeing his face, even though they were just coming through a dinky hospital TV, helped me get through this visit without breaking down every night.

A part of me wants to tell Steve what is going on since I feel terrible about lying. But I want him to see me as the cute, fun, high spirited girl that works at the bakery, not the broken down girl burdened by the weight of the world.

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