Chapter 13: Feelings to resolve

Start from the beginning

"What? What are you laughing at?"

The older looked at Yibo while shaking his head slightly. "You're literally in love with him but go on and tell yourself whatever you want" he said chuckling, as a very confused and flustered Yibo sat beside him. "W- what do you mean by that?! I don't love him! I'm just tolerating him because his mother wanted me to" Yibo said in an attempt to defend himself, trying his best to not blush at what the older had said.

"Alright alright, but on a serious note.." Haikuan looked at Yibo, putting his hand on the younger's shoulder, before continuing, "you have to think about what your father said, you can't ignore it forever. You and Zhan might not have feelings for each other but there, for sure, is something going on between you two that you need to talk out"

"You think I don't know that? Still! What the fuck am I supposed to talk to him about like 'hI sO I tHiNk tHaT wE kNoW eAcHoThEr aNd i gET tHiS rEalLy wEiRD feEliNg iN mY hEaRt wHeN I sEe yoU' you don't expect me to say that do you?" Yibo said, mocking himself while saying the sentence.

"Of course not like that you idiot.." Haikuan sighed, face palming himself at what the younger had just said. "At least text him to say sorry or something for getting mad at him earlier" He suggested, at which Yibo just nodded while heaving a sigh. 'This is not going to be easy..'

The two of them talked for some more time before Haikuan excused himself and went home, leaving Yibo alone to work things out with Zhan. Taking his phone out of his pocket, Yibo opened his chats and as he was about to click on Zhan's contact to text him, he noticed that the older had already messaged him something.

Zhan ge

Hope you're doing good! I'm leaving
back for Beijing, sorry I couldn't come
and say a goodbye in person :(
Sent 2:04 PM

Oh and
sorry about making you uncomfortable
with my question yesterday, I didn't
know what took over my head haha
Sent 2:05 PM

Stay safe and take care of yourself!
Sent 2:05 PM

'Fuck.. He already left..' He thought to himself as he started typing a message.

Oh yea dw about yesterday it's all good I also wanted to apologize for getting mad at you for no reason I was just in a bad mood sorry.
Sent 9:56 PM

Hope you arrived home safe I'll be back in a few days as well.
Sent 9:56 PM

Let's talk when I get back.. I miss you|
Let's talk when I get back..|
Let's talk wh|

Tc bye.
Sent 9:58 PM

• • •

Yibo sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He was mad, so damn mad. Not at Zhan but at himself. He was mad at himself for not being able to understand his feelings. He was mad at himself for not being able to communicate with Zhan properly. He was mad at himself for not knowing why he felt as if he knew Zhan, as if they had a deep bond. He was mad at himself for not knowing what his heart wanted and what it was telling him.

"Eeeargh! What is this boy doing to me..." He groaned in frustration as he finally got off the couch and decided to shower to get his mind off of things.

3:17 PM

He tossed and turned in his bed, trying to rest but he couldn't. His mind didn't want him to sleep, it just kept wandering off to a specific person. He was tired, yet he was unable to sleep, he wanted to talk to this specific boy who never leaves his mind, but he couldn't, he just couldn't.

'Why does he seem so familiar.. The man in my dreams.. Who is he? And his lover whom he always calls.. Why does he also seem so familiar? Like I've met him before..'

These thoughts occurred in his mind continuously as he tried remembering the two people he's been seeing in his dreams. 'Who are they?' was the question he kept asking himself as if he'd magically get an answer.

He once again tried closing his eyes, like he's been doing for the past three hours, hoping he could finally put his mind to rest and get some sleep. This time, his mind gave up on keeping him awake to think about a certain someone, and the male slowly swifted to dreamland, only to see a dream he never thought he would.

• • • • • • •

~ End of Chapter 13 ~

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