🧡Chapter three 🤍

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(Imma stop doing that even I don't listen to it I think)( Also if you know you know 😃)

"Ne Blueberry" "Mhm?" "Can you tell me your past?"

Reader POV

'Did I say something wrong? Why did she freeze like that?' I questioned in my head. "Hey Marinette, you don't have to I'm not gonna force it out of you-" I was about to keep on going until marinette cut me off.

"No it's alright, only if you tell me yours though" marinette said. "Okay no problem blue" I responded with.

"Okay well let's talk about when my life went down down since you left. I was fourteen and we had a new student from Italy, I didn't mind as I thought that she's gonna be cool and chill. Spoilers she wasn't. She started to spit out lies out of no where, we both know how much I dislike liars so I tried to call them out and try to make them see the truth.

She also lied about many famous people like jagged stone, saying that she helped him by getting his cat down from a tree. Mind you he's allergic to cats that's why he has a crocodile as a pet. Anyways I tried to call them out, but one day she saw me going to the bathroom and told me that I'm either against her or with her so I told her i guess that I'm against her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" (you guys already know it it's kinda like those betrayed marinette fanfics)

I kept on listening to marinette as she kept on renting to me about her past to me which made me pissed af. After she finished she started to cry more then she was already.

"What did I do wrong Y/n?" Marinette whispered to me. "Marinette listen, you never did anything wrong. It was them for believing someone they met then someone they already knew. I obviously know that you would never do something like that. So please don't blame your self marinette" I explained to her so she gets it, it's never her fault. "..b-but" I cut her off by saying "no butts missy, it was never your fault, plus you don't need them, burn them with your success. Give that liar something to lie about, something she'll regret it in the future."

"Thank you Y/n" Marinette said. "No problem Mari, I'm always here for you" I said genuinely with a gentle smile on my face.

"Well you told me your past, it's only fair I'll tell you mine." I said. "Well mine isn't all that drama or exciting or something. Because I was in America, I had to learn many things like hand-to-hand and how to deal with all type of weapons. Because my parents were busy with the companies, I had to learn how to cook and be a housewife or husband I guess.Even if someone was in the house it always felt empty at times, as we have 3 companies, my mother was a ceo of one and my father was one for the other. Once I had turned 16 I was the ceo for the 3rd company. So my father taught me how to be a ceo and helping me with the business classes while my mother taught me how to do things online and stuff (lmao idk). I also learned how to ride a bike, drive, and skate but that's not important" I told her.

"What about your family from Japan" 'right I forgot about them' I thought with a sweatdrop. "Well I was kinda like the mom well food wise since I would cook and stuff but other then that I was crazy. I did learn how to cook some food from over there and chopsticks and crepes and other stuff" I told her.

"Sounds like you had fun over there huh?" Marinette said. "Kinda but now I feel guilty about that. But America changes you"
"I'll take your word for it n/n"
"I miss it when you missed me n/n" I said

I saw her blush but then got up from my lap to her desk. "Wanna play Ultra Mega Strike 3?" Marinette asked me. "Ultra.. mega..strike..three?" I asked her. "What's that bluebell" I'm guessing that it's a really popular game by the way she's looking at me like I killed a kid right in front of her.

"ITS ONE OF THE MOST GREATEST GAMES! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW IT!" Marinette exclaims. "Sorry" I say sheepish and rub the back of my neck with my right arm. Marinette just sighs and told me that she's gonna teach me as we play.

After a while of playing it I got the hang of it, it's a pretty interesting game it is.

Not only had we been having fun like the old was but we also told each other our second identity. Like she told me —too freakin casually— that she was MDC, so I told her I was the CEO for (company name). We both at first didn't believe it but then got use to it. Turns out she did some of my outfits for me. 1000/10 would buy again.

"Hey marinette?" "Yeah?" "What time is it?" I asked her. "Oh it's.. 9:30 pm" my eyes widened at the time. "Shot- I gotta go Marinette, I'll see you tomorrow " I tell her while collecting my things and leaving but not before giving her forehead a kiss, leaving a blushing Marinette behind.

924 words👆

Sorry it's short my creative juices were all out on that day, also it was kinda cute too so no complaining peps. I still have other chapters to do that I'll probably post them tomorrow. Now goodnight pests. Jk jk I live you all. 🖤

970 words👆

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