Part 11

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Alex Pov

I'm on my way to Tiffany's house. I don't know what I'm going to do or how I'm going tell her. Sigh she's going to leave me if not beat my ass when I tell her Brittany kissed me. Urg this is so stupid.

Getting to her house I called but she yelled at me. I was nervous I brought food she let me in we ate took and took a nap. Maybe if I just don't tell her it will be better and safer for everyone.


There's a knock at Alex door and Brittany walks in, in a short rob like the one Tiffany wears but it doesn't look the same. I looked at her weird.

"What's up Britt?" I asked her making up my bed. I'm probably not going to sleep here for the weekend. "I just wanted to talk" she said softly. Turning to her she looked sad. I nod and motion for her to sit.

"I I want to know why her. I thought coming back here we would rekindle that fire we had and you will want me back. Don't don't you love me anymore?" She asked looking at me with tears in her eyes.

Sighing and rubbing my face "Brittany you broke up with me. I'm sorry but I'm in love with Tiffany. I'm sorry if that hurts you but I'm finally moving on and I'm happy. I'm so sorry I do love you but as a friend nothing more" I said looking into her eyes a flash of hurt went through them. I apologize again and went to give her hug but she kissed me then got on top and straddling me.

Pushing her off but before I can completely get her off my dad walked in. She hop off me quickly he looked at as with shocked eyes. Then he laughed shaking his head walking out the room.

Flashback back ended.

Sighing I decided to get some sleep She's going to kill me I went to sleep. After some time I keep hearing my phone ring but don't think nothing of it. After a while I felt movement and groaning I'm guess Tiffany going to check out my messages. "Fuck" she said getting up I opened one eye and close it back.

"Hello" she answered her voice sounding a bit sore "Excuse me?" I heard say a little louder. 2 minutes later I was on the floor. "So we see fucking with other people now?" My eyes popped open "n-no n-no b-ba-baby" she looked at me with an hurt written all over her face "get out" she said walking to her bathroom. "B-ba-baby no" she slammed the door in my face "GET THE FUCK OUT" she screamed sighing I picked up my phone and see that my dad called.

David (Alex dad) Pov

When I saw Alex and Brittany I got excited this is my chance to get Tiffany to be mines. I waited I know Tiffany usually takes a nap around 2pm. Always unless she has school knowing she was sleep Alex was most likely sleep too.

Knowing Tiffany is a lighter sleeper I called. No answer hmm so I called again then my angel picked up. Her voice a little sore "Alex I think we should talk about what happen. Catching you and Brittany in bed together is a No what are you going to tell Tiffany." I said pretending like I didn't know it was her.

"Excuse me!" She asked "Tiffany?" I said playing dumb then hanging up the phone she tried to call back but I didn't answer. She'll be mines soon.

Alex POV

I'm sitting in my car in front of my house not knowing what to do. I spoke to dad he wanted to talk to me about the situation he didn't know Tiffany answered the phone then he panicked and hang up.

I should have told her she probably thinks it's worst then just a kiss. Rubbing my hands down my face I got up and inside. Brittany tried to touch me when I got in the house I pushed her and went to my room.

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