It took about fifteen seconds for him to shift over. He had to mentally slow the change down so she could see it happening. He was peering at her now through different eyes. Oh they were his eyes alright, there was a little familiarity left over from human form.  But usually… when one was this close no one ever got the chance to look into his canine eyes. Not anyone who lived anyway.

She was just standing there staring at him.  Jaw open, slightly dazed.  And he just stood there. Letting the reality of it hit her. He wasn’t sure if he should move or not. But then he didn’t have the chance. She started walking towards him.

What she saw stunned her.  What the hell? She wasn’t aware that she e had started shifting as well.  When she had seen what he did, oh god, what did he do?  He was there then.. Just a massive bear sized wolf looking thing.  Just standing there looking at her. She had no doubt if it decided to charge he she would be dead.

She gasped as she was snapped back to reality.  Something was making odd popping noises. Her feet and legs felt like someone was taking a baseball bat and hitting her as hard as they could.  She gasped in pain as she fell to her knees. She closed her eyes. Oh god what was happening, what was wrong with her. Shock, it had to be shock.  She was going insane and it was causing her body to disintegrate.

“Lydia its ok, don’t fight it, it will only make the pain worse. Just listen to my voice. Listen to me and let it flow over you.  The pain will subside. You will be ok,” he was trying to soothe her. Trying to make it as easy as possible for her.

She faintly heard him. God that man was insufferable. She didn’t want him cooing at her. She was so pissed at him for all this shit. It was his fault. His fault. She felt the heat again, the rage building inside of her. She was on her hands and knee’s gasping at the pain in her legs. She kept hearing popping noises and thought maybe her bones were just breaking apart. God, why won’t he shut up.

“Shut … up…. Now,” she was gritting out between muscles that were going into spasms. 

Nothing could have shocked him more. He looked at her, there she was in more pain that most can stand and she was yelling at him to shut up. He smiled. She was strong.

Speaking louder this time he attempted to try to guide her through the shifting. She had to be scared all to hell.

“Honey, the pain will travel up your body, just let it flow through you. Accept it. It will go much easier if …..” he stopped as she turned and snarled at him.

“SHUT UP GOD DAMN YOU!!!” She lunged at him and as she did she fully shifted. The instant pain brought her down and knocked her to her side. She laid there panting, her eyes finally wide with fear in them.

She was beautiful.  Not as big as the shifters he had come across. A small version of what he usually see’s but still bigger than any large wolf. Her fur was stunning. A chocolate brown with streaks of different shades of red and gold running through it. Dark reds and gold’s blending in with medium and lighter shades. He was amazed.  He wasn’t sure how she would react if he walked over to her. In human form he was much more vulnerable, thou he could still heal quite fast.

He took a chance and slowly walked to her. Talking softly as he did.

“Lydia, it’s Jared. It’s just me walking towards you. No one else, no one will hurt you,” he talked softly as he knelt at her back. If she got the urge to snap at him he could easily avoid it being behind her.

Staring at her chest heaving with pain and exertion all he wanted to do was bury his fingers into that rich fur. 

“I’m going to check you over really quick. I need to make sure you shifted fully and that you are all right.” He gently put his hand on the top of her head. He buried his fingers into the fur there. God it was so soft and thick. It felt like running his fingers through hundreds of silken threads. Pure bliss. His fingertips tingled and ached just touching her like this.

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