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when yumi finally regained her consciousness, the sight in front of her was definitely not a welcome one. although she was still dizzy and her head was still hurting, she managed a scowl at the old man in front of her.


he didn't even deserves to be called a father as he motioned for one of the masked guards by the door to stand by the girl and watch her movements. 

"do you know how much stocks went down after your little stunt? do you know how much money i lost because of you and how ungrateful you are?" her father screamed.

yumi was quiet for a while, "tell me what i have to be grateful to you for?"

the kick on the chair was expected and she had already braced herself fo the chair she was tied on to fall back. it never did. the guard had caught her and steadied her, making her father's eye twitch. 

"i'm not even your daughter anymore, you removed me from the family register and you never treated me like family even when mother was alive. you neglected her when she was at her deathbed because you were out fucking another woman. cheaters like you don't deserve to live so freely," yumi let out her anger.

her father's eye was still twitching, "i let you out of the house to live quietly. i only ask that you come to events and yet you can't even do that. you're lucky i didn't take the money your mother left behind for you. you would've starved by now."

yumi sighed, "why am i here? why did you do this?"

her father let out a dark laugh, "i'll be taking my leave now. after today i won't have to deal with you anymore," he looked at the guard, "shoot her and make sure nobody finds the body."

the guard nodded and her father kicked her one more time before making his way out of the warehouse that they were in. 

as soon as her father was out of sight, the guard pulled down his mask and grinned at yumi before taking out a knife to slash the ropes that were tying her arms and legs to the metal chair.

yumi blinked, not believing her eyes, "jisung, what are you doing here?!" she exclaimed and jisung immediately covered her mouth.

"you're being too loud! when you left i saw the guy kidnap you and i followed you guys. i already called and told the boys not to worry. are you proud of me?" jisung beamed at her and yumi pulled the tall boy into a hug.

"i'd be dead without you jisung, thank you."

"my motorcycle is out in the back, come on let's go before someone sees, i already unlocked the window in here," jisung said, he really did have everything under control.

he hoisted up and out of the window and then jumped out of it himself, grabbing her hand and running to the motorcycle that was partially hidden by a pair a trees that grew close together. he winked, "hold on tight or you might not get back to jeno in one piece."

yumi slapped him on the arm but nevertheless grabbed his waist tightly as he sped up and traveled down the highway in zigzags at a speed that definitely was not legal. 

when they finally arrived at the massive base that the dreamies called home, jeno was standing outside in front of the door by himself and looking extremely pale. when yumi hopped off of the bike and thanked jisung again, she didn't even make it three steps before jeno ran and engulfed her in a tight hug. 

"your safe," his voice came out in a whisper and he only hugged her even tighter as his body shook a little. the fear hadn't left his system yet and it didn't seem like he was going to let yumi out of his sight in a long time. 

yumi, on the other hand, was turning shades of pink and red as she watched jisung prance his way in a circle around them, sending over-exaggerated winks to her. 

when she held up a fist to him he quickly disappeared inside the house before she could extract herself from jeno's arm and punch him. 

"jeno i'm okay, everything's fine," yumi said softly and jeno finally let go, his hand finding its way to clasp around hers. 

"i know, it just scared me alot," he led the way inside the house, up the stairs, past an angry haechan, and into his room.

"what are we doing?" yumi asked and jeno sat down next to her on the couch.

"watching a movie, i just don't want you out of my sight for the rest of today, i'm scared you might disappear again," he wrapped his arms around her and pouted. 

yumi's hand stroked through his hair in soft motions, "i'm not going to evaporate jeno, i'm fine."

jeno looked up at her from his position, "well you give me a chance now yumi? you know that i love you and we've already kissed," he pointed out.

it was tempting, it really was. yumi almost said yes as she stared into his eyes but then she thought of someone else. 

she looked away, "i'm sorry jeno," she said and moved away from his hug.

jeno closed his eyes, trying to calm the emotions inside of him, "it's him, isn't it?" it wasn't really a question.

"i- i think i need some water," yumi stuttered and rushed out of the room and the awkward situation. 

when she was out of the way, jeno felt the tears start falling from his eyes and he punched the wall in frustration, sending a loud and painful crunch as he broke through it.

"he doesn't deserve you!" he exclaimed to no one in particular but she was down in the kitchen by now and couldn't hear him anyways. 

"but i'll always love you," he whispered and curled up into ball, crying. 

i can hear some of you punching the air rn 

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