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jeno was staring at her lips.

a completely different aura had overtaken jeno. he had long waited to be alone with yumi like this ever since he had first met her and the way she was standing so close to him made him lose any self control that he had. 

his eyes were no longer cute little half moons, but slanted in a dangerous expression as his finger still linger on her lip. 

yumi didn't know what the do in the situation. she obviously liked haechan... or did she? the only coherent thought that was running through her mind was that jeno was about to kiss her and that his hand was very low on her back. 

you know how your thoughts turn into dust when someone godly attractive is inches away from you? that's what yumi was experiencing. 

the kiss wasn't unexpected but the way he did it so passionately was. when yumi was expecting a peck on the lips, jeno kept going at it, his tongue slipping into her mouth and dancing dangerously, making her feel all sorts of butterflies at the pit of her stomach.

one of his hands was now dangling around her throat and the other was tracing her spine up and down as she fell onto his lap in shock. 

yumi broke away for a split second, staring into jeno's eyes, "w-wha-" she was immediately cut off as jeno kissed her again.

to jeno, this was an opportunity that he might not ever get again. if this was the first and last time that he was going to kiss her, he was going to make sure it lingered on her mind even when she was with haechan. 

jeno didn't want to be the villain in their love story, but sometimes the villain deserves a lot more than they are given. this was jeno's perspective. yumi was a pretty girl but she was also kind and talented. she often wore a sadden expression, but whenever she smiled he wanted to keep it on her face forever. 

he cared about her and took care of her every chance he got and he wasn't about to lose her to someone who was half-assing his way into yumi's heart, even if it was a friend.

so jeno kissed her like he was never going to be able to again, his mouth now traveling onto her neck, leaving sweet blossoms of purple and red as she unknowingly succumbed to his insistences.

"jeno," a low whisper left her mouth and he smirked into the skin of her chest, where he was just kissing.

"you're finally saying my name," he said, "it sounds so pretty coming from your mouth like this babe."

jeno was an entirely different person at this moment and yumi didn't really know how to handle him. she stared at him and he smirked again, pushing her onto the bed as he leaned over her, peppering her neck with sensual kisses. 

"i love you and i know you don't love me back at the moment but while i have you here, i'll make you never forget this feeling," he whispered into her ear before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

it took yumi a while until she started kissing him back. he was like a drug, blocking all of her thoughts that were telling her to stop. 

he was just so... perfect in the moment. he loved her and she wanted to be loved. she wanted to love him. 

when yumi's hands finally made there way into jeno's hair and pulled slightly, a sinful sound left jeno's throat in satisfaction. he moved back to kissing her mouth, and this time yumi gave him full access.

even with the hand sitting prettily around her throat, she felt so comfortable and loved. 

jeno was going through heaven and back. her kisses her perfect to him; the way she sighed into them and the way she kissed him harder when he bit lightly into her bottom lip was making him see stars. 

his hands slid under her shirt and wrapped under her waist as he finally pulled away from the kiss. jeno sighed and rested his face in her neck as he laid down next to her, "don't speak please... i just want to live in the moment for a bit."

as the high jeno gave her slowed down, yumi was beginning to recollect her thoughts and a frantic look appeared on her face. did i just kiss lee jeno, she thought, why is he so good at it.

she gulped and sat straight up, making jeno blink at her.

"uh, i-i forgot that i need water," she made an excuse and ran out of the room faster than a flash. jeno sighed and laid back down by himself.

yumi found jisung in the background, playing with some stray cats that appeared to like him very much. she sat down next to him and picked up a cat that came meowing at her, "so i have a very hypothetical question that has to do with a hypothetical situation."

jisung raised an eyebrow, "and what is it?"

"so if hypothetically there were two boys that liked you, what would you do? one of them is kind of an asshole and fucks your abusive step sister and breaks your heart every other day like its a sport," she described haechan.

jisung crossed his arms, smirking, "and what about the other one?"

"well the other one is really sweet and takes good care of you... as a bonus he kisses really well," yumi said, "of course this is all hypothetical you know."

"oh yes, very hypothetical," jisung snickered, "by the way i'd pick jeno."

yumi's eyes widened and she stood straight up, "you're so funny! this is just hypothetical! i need to pee uh goodbye!" she ran away at full speed across the street, knowing that going back into the house would be too embarrassing if she ran into haechan or jeno. 

jisung slapped his forehead, "didn't she say she needed to pee? where is she going?" he muttered and went back to attending to his cats.


"well if it isn't moon yumi, we've been waiting for you to wander alone, you know."

"who are you?"

"you don't need to know that sweetheart."


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