Chapter 8. The Simple Truth, with Proof

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Judge Grumpy states in his ruling: [T]he obligation to file a tax return and pay income tax applies to "[a]ny person required to ... pay any estimated tax or tax" under Title 26 of the United States Code. 26 U.S.C. § 7203. I will once again show more overwhelming PROOF that this statement by Judge Grumpy is totally incorrect!!!

The income tax act of 1913 is the most misunderstood piece of legislation in human history. Many Americans feel in their heart, almost knowing, that there is something seriously wrong with the way the federal government applies and enforces this tax. The government of course, through the IRS, operates under the philosophy that the government is entitled to tax the "income" derived from all of the American people's labors, investments, and property. But, is the government truly entitled under the law to control and claim a share of the fruits of our labor and property, and tax our income in the way that it does? Many Americans feel that the legal confusion surrounding the income tax is being used to effect the destruction of America's constitutional Republic, and has already substantially diminished the fundamental freedoms of the American people by forcing the population to serve the government, rather than have the government serve the People.

This short Chapter is intended to cut through all the confusion about the law, because in reality there is no confusion in the law, and cut through the maze of legal distractions asserted by the United States government to mislead the American people and the Courts about the income tax, to quickly and absolutely demonstrate the proper application of the income tax under today's laws, and, to clearly and succinctly show how the government has unlawfully misused and misapplied the law to wrongfully force all Americans to pay a tax that they do not actually owe, and that in fact, has clearly never actually been imposed on their income in America under the law.

To understand the income tax and how it is actually imposed under the law, all we really need to do is read and remember the first sentence of the Supreme Court decision settling the challenge to the income tax law when it was originally passed in 1913.

In Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co, 240 U.S. 1, (1916) (Exhibit A @ the end of this Chapter), the case the government itself cites to establish the Constitutionality of the income tax laws, it clearly states in the very first sentence of the Opinion of the Court, delivered by Chief Justice White:

"..., the appellant filed his bill to enjoin the corporation from complying with
the income tax provisions of the tariff act of October 3, 1913."
Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R. Co, 240 U.S. 1, 9 (1916) (emphasis added)

It is very important that you take careful note of the language used by Chief Justice White in this
first sentence because he is giving you the KEY to understanding the entire income tax law in this sentence. These words were not just carelessly selected by the Chief Justice for inclusion without consideration. They were very carefully considered and selected for their particular and specific meaning before being presented to America as the Opinion of the Court.

Please take careful notice of the fact that Chief Justice White clearly and unequivocably identifies the income tax in the first sentence of the Opinion as part of a tariff act

Do you know what a tariff is? – By definition, it is a tax laid on foreign imports or activity.

A tariff is a tax, or a schedule of rates for a tax, on foreign goods or activity entering or being imported into America. A tariff is one form of an "impost", which is of course, one of the three kinds of indirect taxes authorized by the Constitution in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, for the government to lay and collect to provide for the operation of the government's legitimate functions. However, as a tax on the importation of goods and activity from a foreign country into America, a tariff clearly is not, and cannot be, legally or lawfully applied to the domestic activities of American citizens.

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