Start from the beginning

"You have your rental info?" Lauren asked and I nodded as I showed her the folded up documents in my book bag carry on.

"You have your license, keys, wallet, birth control?" She continued to ask and I chuckled as I'm usually the one giving her the verbal checklist.

"Yes mom, I have all of my things. All that's left in the house is your last bits of things" I playfully answered and Lauren gave me an unamused look before she couldn't withhold the grin that was coming in.

We continued to talk the whole way until we had reached the airport and pulled up to the departures entrance.

"Alright Cookie, call me when you make it there and tell me if there's any cute women in the neighborhood when you get to the house" Lauren told me with a sneaky grin on her face at the end part.

"You're a trip, you know?" I asked as I took my suitcase from Lauren's hands.

"I'm your trip though. I don't know what you'd do without me" she smartly came back with and I sucked my teeth and chuckled as we then gave each other a snug farewell hug before Lauren released me and wiped a fake tear from her eye.

"It's just two weeks, stop being so dramatic. Do good on your big case, you're the best for a reason" I told her as I kissed her cheek and adjusted my bag on my shoulders and began walking back from the car.

"I will. Love you Oni" I heard her say as she waved and I then smiled and waved back.

"I love you more LoLo. I'll text you if I find my soulmate" I yelled and she started laughing as she opened the driver's side door for herself and stood behind it.

"You better!" She yelled back with a blown kiss and I smiled back at her as I walked away to the entrance of the airport.

Since I didn't have to check in for my ticket, I went straight to the counter to check my under cabin suitcase before I looked at my ticket on my phone to see which TSA checkpoint I needed to go to.

"Alright Onika where's checkpoint D?" I murmured to myself as I looked around and saw A, B and C but no D, E or F. I then looked behind me in the opposite direction and managed to spot the sign for checkpoint D so I once again readjusted my book bag and started making my way in that direction.

When I reached the checkpoint, there wasn't a long line thank god, but it wasn't exactly empty either. I walked along the maze of a line until I finally got behind the second to last person in line. I then took a moment to scour the surroundings as I took a settling breath and switched my body weight to one leg.

What I noticed was that everyone before me were in military attire as I assumed that they were all getting to go home from I'm assuming their station in Texas. I couldn't quite tell which base though since there were tons in the state plus they may have been from varying bases. I did know however that this group of men and women were in the navy based off their stuff. Each of them were varying in sizes and heigh, but they all looked uniform per their requirements I guess.

I continued to look at them as they swiped their boarding passes and licenses before getting into the TSA rotation lines and putting all of their belongings on the conveyor belt. The line went pretty fast as everyone had what they needed already readily accessible and when it was my turn, I handed the checker my boarding pass and license before he let me go through to one of the next lines to take off all my stuff and put it on the belt.

After going through TSA without a hitch, I took a breath of relief because the hard part and most time consuming part was done and out of the way with me having time to spare for my flight.

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