My Hero

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"I know it was impossible...
But I always hoped to have a happy ending with you.
As expected, its ends with a tragedy."

After much walking, (y/n) keep groaning she couldn't help but groan again from the pain she suffered from the Lunch Lady and those stupid kids. Her whole body is covered with blood and flesh, she could use a shower right now.


She looks at the broken hole and jumps slowly earning another wince, she moved her fingers to build a bridge with the use of broken wood and rocks.

"I just need to cross." (Y/n) mumbled looking up at the sky as the rain starts to fall. She has no idea where she was going, she just hoped to see Mono or Six. She takes a look at her feet that was still wrapped with dirty clothing, all now she could do is survive.

She saw another door and she hoped it was unlocked. She tried to open it but it was lock, sadly. She needs to go deeper into the hall, no one was there. (Y/n) stopped now completely tired from the walking.

'I think... I think I'm going to die!'

She can't give up yet!

Mono and Six will be sad if they cannot see each other!

(Y/n) grabs a nearby stick with all her might to stand up, at least the stick would act as the support of her weakened body. She frantically looked around and went into the darkroom, she used her power as a faint light came through her hands and just held up high. There are broken bed rails and also some mannequins.

She stopped, taking a look behind her ash she heard some small noise. "Hello? Is someone there?" She stood and looks at her back to see if someone was there.

Another sound comes in at her front as she takes another turn, she didn't even notice that the mannequin was getting closer to her. At first, she was confused about how it got here, the light on her faintly dimmed.

"What's going on?" She said to herself as the mannequins back away from her. She started running once again but her wounded foot, she was trembling under the mannequin's gaze.

She heard their footsteps which they were all after her. She takes a chance to look at her back to see them all piled up to get her, it was getting deeper and darker.

She continued down the corridor, calling for help as she does. Because soon her body might shut down. She waved her hand trying to shoot the wood to make a blockage, she screamed when a hand grabbed her heel that was wounded, she wanted desperately to have a person this time to save her.

(Y/n) can't always rely on her 'powers' she was getting weaker. She keeps screaming and screaming, afraid that they would tear her limb to limb.

Then it happened, her body was picked up by a person who was bringing a lamp. She can't even tell who that person is, the brightness was blocking its face. She looks at its hand it was also badly hurt and full of scratches.

(Y/n) reaches her hand to the person who just saved her and smiled, and leans her head at the person's chest as her eyes slowly close from exhaustion.

"My hero."

Twilight Time (Mono x reader) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now